We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
Water droplet photography can seem intimidating to many photographers, yet it’s actually pretty straightforward. All you really need is a camera and a way to make water drops. But if you want stellar shots like the ones in Shawn Knol‘s album, pull out a few basic lenses and a speed light, then mix in a […]
Along with the 2014 FIFA World Cup happening comes this timely behind the scenes clip of a photoshoot featuring Mexican National Team goalkeeper, Guillermo Memo Ochoa. A veteran at these types of shoots, photographer Monte Isom walks us through the process of capturing the soccer superstar: For such an extensive commercial photoshoot for Allstate, Isom […]
We hear the term “pixel” used quite often—not just in reference to photography, but even in everyday life. As we move further and further into the digital age, “pixel” is becoming somewhat of a household word. But, what exactly is a pixel and where did it come from? Taran Van Hemert gives us a quick […]
Photographers have mixed opinions on whether or not you should watermark your photos. Some think they can help protect your images from digital theft, while others think they are a distraction to the image itself. Of course, it all boils down to personal opinion. If you tend to lean in favor of a watermark, check […]
Sure, being a travel photographer means you get to see places you never thought you would, places far off, magical, mystical, hidden, unimaginable. But, it also means that you need to be able to get the perfect shot every time; you don’t have the luxury of a second chance. Travel photographer Chris McLennan invites us on […]
Singer and photographer Guy Sebastian has spent a good chunk of his career working with many charities. His own charity, The Sebastian Foundation strives to recognize all people as equals and create a lasting change in the lives of the less fortunate. For this Canon Shine feature, Sebastian uses photography to capture the humanity behind homelessness: […]
Holding a camera seems like a no-brainer, right? If you’re just grabbing the grip and snapping shots on your DSLR, you might not be getting the best possible shots–especially in low-light conditions. In this back-to-basics video, photographer Karl Taylor explains the correct way to hold your camera in order to take the best photos when […]
The eyes have long been considered the windows to the soul. Photographers often try to focus on a subject’s eyes as a way to add depth and emotion to a photo. So, we decided to look a little closer. Check out those eyes: Show us some of your interesting portraits in the comments section below, […]
A photographer can easily set up and compose a picture before it is even shot; however, it is a different talent to capture a photograph in a split second, with no planning beforehand. Carsten Peter, a regular photographer for National Geographic and a World Press Photo Award winner, speaks of his experiences in capturing the […]
Photographer Brent Humphreys and his team recently had the chance to work on a huge photo project for AARP Magazine about crisis moments and how to survive them. The large scale project had them coming up with feasible ways to capture four completely possible—and believable—scary moments. In this behind the scenes video, you can see […]
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