We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
Creating a tailored and efficient workflow may not seem very important to new photographers, but in all actuality, having an organized way of handling your image files is one of the most important things to have. This is especially true as you accumulate more and more files over the years and need to be able […]
Göran Strand, a photographer who has been featured by NASA and National Geography and whose movie work has been used by the band Coldplay and the Discovery Channel, has been waiting an entire year to shoot a certain sunset: As he stood at the Swedish National Biathlon Arena in Östersund, Sweden, the sun passed directly […]
You hear the word histogram tossed around all the time when reading about photography. For professional photographers, the term is a household word—and there’s a good reason for that. Knowing how to read and use the histogram on your camera will help you make the leap from auto to manual mode and still be able […]
There are so many things we can do with cameras and lenses to create amazing photos without manipulating the image in post-production. If you have a willingness to think outside the box and experiment, there are many simple techniques you can try to add a little oomph to your photography. Here, Joe McNally shows us how […]
Portrait and wedding photographer Jerry Ghionis once asked a photographer to describe her perfect day. What would it be like? Would she still wake up at 6 in the morning? What would she do? When was the last time she actually experienced her perfect day? You can listen to her answer in this short film: […]
We’ve all had those days…you head out to some glorious location in the wilderness, take perhaps hundreds of photographs, head home, and find a memory card full of mediocre shots. What happened? How can you improve your craft and create better pictures? In the following video, Robert Rodriguez Jr. shares insights into his successful decade-long […]
The initial moments of a photo shoot can be daunting when first viewing the location and subject. But a bit of planning makes things easier. In this video, Corey Rich shows us his creative process as he shoots a personal project at a local CrossFit gym: Do Your Prep Work The first step in any […]
Fashion photographer Lou Freeman has been a leading figure in the glamour world for nearly three decades. Over the years, she has come up with her own unique way of creating beauty images with what she calls “beauty box perpective.” Watch as Freeman uses four Westcott Ice Lights as a beauty box to create stunning head […]
Let’s face it, selfies are one photography trend that probably isn’t going away anytime soon; the least we can do as photographers is try to make them less narcissistic and more compelling to an audience. In the video below, Bryan Peterson suggests a different approach for you to take a self portrait that helps to […]
Photographing fast-moving subjects doesn’t always mean using quick shutter speeds. In fact, adding motion to your still images can enhance the look and feel of the speed. Corey Rich explains how to imply movement in photographs with simple panning: Rich, using a Nikon D4S and a Nikon 17-35mm ED-IF AF-S zoom lens, photographs mountain biker Jake Dorey speeding down […]
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