We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
Have you ever wondered how fashion photographers manage to capture such beautiful light on models’ faces? Butterfly lighting is a technique that you can use to achieve professional results in your portraiture. In this video Mark Wallace explains how it’s done: What is butterfly lighting? There aren’t actually any butterflies involved; the name refers to […]
Purchasing a used lens, whether from an online auction, an individual, or in a brick and mortar store, can be a nerve-wracking experience. There are a number of things that can affect the quality and usability of a lens, and if you are not savvy as to what to look out for, you may end […]
Getting the right photo exposure can be a bit tricky at times. Expose for the highlights and lose the dark areas, expose for the dark areas and blow out the highlights… it’s a never ending battle. Today’s photo tip answers a question about how to get the best photo exposure for different skin tones. I […]
What happens when you take a 1960s model Polaroid camera–which you can no longer get film for–and modify it so that it shoots modern film and allows you to attach a PocketWizard to it for using strobes? You can actually get some really fun results that are throwbacks to the film days of the past. […]
Where do old photographs go when they are left behind in the wake of a digital age? As many may become lost forever, there are people working fervently behind the scenes (or in one case, beneath ground level) to help alter the fate of these images. In the depths of an old limestone mine in […]
Perhaps you have heard the term “crop factor” before, but you’re not sure what it really means. If that’s the case, you’re probably also unaware of what an important part it plays in making the most of your digital camera. The camera settings we still use–ISO, aperture, and f-stop–were designed for film and do not take into […]
It’s portrait time, and you’d better get the focus spot-on, because if you goof that up, your image is very likely ruined unless you can put a justifiable artsy spin on the image in post. But what if we told you that there’s a camera out there that would allow you to actually change focal […]
Most photo shoots involve a whole lot of trial and error. However, the majority of educational resources available for photographers omit the details. A new photography eBook aims to take aspiring boudoir photographers through the entire process of a shoot. Found here: Successful Photo Shoots In this digital resource, photographer Ed Verosky aims to leave […]
What sort of person goes to a photography workshop? The answer cannot be simple, as people are not simple. Motivations There are a variety of reasons for even considering a photography workshop. The obvious one is education—the desire to learn something. That just gets us into a whole new field as there is so much […]
It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, it’s amazing and that moment is upon you now. You went out with a couple for a regular run-of-the-mill engagement shoot and, as you sort through images, you realize that one of them is portfolio-worthy and would fare shockingly well in black and white—and perhaps even better with […]
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