Photography Tips & Tutorials7171 articles

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Giving Back the Light: An Artist’s Interesting Twist on Light Painting Technique

Giving Back the Light: An Artist’s Interesting Twist on Light Painting Technique

French photographer and artist Philippe Echaroux has been working on an ongoing photography project that puts a twist on your typical light painting. In the quick clip below, you can enjoy his art as he and his team of assistants unfold their mission to fuse temporary and permanent art, creating something quite unique: As a […]

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How to Keep Your Subject in Focus When Shooting Long Exposure Photography

How to Keep Your Subject in Focus When Shooting Long Exposure Photography

Have you ever taken a long exposure at dusk only to find you snapped a shot filled with amazing light trails and a blurry subject? Most photographers agree this can be a tricky scene to shoot, especially if you’re trying to keep a main subject in focus and shoot without a tripod. Photographer Joe McNally […]

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Resurrecting Pan Am For a Period-Piece Photo Shoot

Resurrecting Pan Am For a Period-Piece Photo Shoot

Pan American World Airways may have declared bankruptcy in 1991, but that didn’t stop photographer Michael Kelley and aviation prop fanatic Anthony Toth from taking flight on an authentically decorated Boeing 747-200 in 2014. Together, they assembled all the bits and pieces of Pan Am memorabilia they could find, hired over a dozen models and eight camera assistants, and […]

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Behind the Scenes: Creative Light Painting With a Drone

Behind the Scenes: Creative Light Painting With a Drone

Drones are making their mark in the world of photography as creatives come up with new ways to utilize them on a daily basis. Not too long ago we saw a fun Superman clip that was created using a drone and now, as you can see below, a pair of photographers are using a drone […]

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5 Things You Should Never Do When Taking a Selfie

5 Things You Should Never Do When Taking a Selfie

Admit it, we’ve all taken a selfie. And while we’re being candid, let’s go ahead and let it be said that most selfies are pretty much rubbish. That being said, the craze has become so mainstream the Oxford Dictionary inducted the word selfie into its pages. In order to make the world a better place, […]

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High-Speed Camera Captures Goshawk Grabbing Water Balloon

High-Speed Camera Captures Goshawk Grabbing Water Balloon

Creating high impact, slow motion videos is not only fun, it can also teach viewers a few things. The guys over at Earth Unplugged have put together an amazing slow-mo video of a goshawk hunting. While not the ideal prey for such a powerful bird, watching a goshawk destroy a water balloon in slow motion really […]

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The Secret to Approaching and Photographing Strangers

The Secret to Approaching and Photographing Strangers

Taking photos of strangers on the street, doing their everyday things, can be a bit of a challenge. Well, taking the photo is the easy part, getting a stranger to let you take it is the scary part. Brandon Stanton, the photographer behind Humans of New York (HONY), just might be the best in the world at stopping […]

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Easy Lightroom Tricks for Better Black and White Images

Easy Lightroom Tricks for Better Black and White Images

Before the days of digital photography, black and white photos had a different look and feel. The tones were more selenium based or they had more of a sepia feel. With a little post-processing, you can achieve those timeless looks or create your own unique style. In the video below, Kevin Kubota walks us through […]

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Lessons Learned from Photographing The Little Rock Nine

Lessons Learned from Photographing The Little Rock Nine

The Little Rock Nine are the brave group of high school students known for their determination in enforcing the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1954 ruling that segregated schools are unconstitutional. In 2010, they came together for a group photo at the very school where the 1957 Little Rock desegregation crisis took place. Take a look at […]

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Tutorial: How to Use Polyboards for Studio Photography

Tutorial: How to Use Polyboards for Studio Photography

Polyboards are large sheets of foam that are traditionally used as insulation in building construction. As most studio photographers know, they are also great as light modifiers. Most photographers use white and black polyboards to reflect light and create shadows. They are lightweight, cheap, and have a large surface area. For my studio, I decided […]

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