We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
One of the most inspiring ways to capture great photos is to photograph what you love. When passion is what drives you as a photographer, you will not only enjoy the craft more, but the inherent dedication you have toward it will show in your work. In the hour-long informational presentation below, you can see […]
Finding a unique angle for your wedding photography can be tricky, but finding a couple willing to go along with some zany new idea can be even trickier. When British wedding photographer Simeon Quarrie met the soon-to-be-married Nikesh and Lalita, he knew he’d found kindred spirits willing to go along with his plot. They decided that […]
Sometimes, to get the lighting right in-camera, we’ve got to sacrifice some spots to darkness. High-dynamic range photography, known as HDR, composites multiple exposures to draw out hyper-realistic details and evens out the lighting range. That kind of effect is possible to achieve in Photoshop, too—and with more subtlety than most HDR. Here’s how to do it: […]
Don’t watch this if you’re getting ready for bed. There’s nothing outwardly scary about it, but it’s definitely unnerving: a jet-black magnet creeps up from beneath a layer of bubbles, attracting a mysterious inky black liquid that snakes around the bubbles until it gets close enough for the water to get blotched blood-red. Then it ends. Truly, that description […]
As more and more people are becoming aware of the dramatic changes that can be made to portraits using tools like Photoshop, the term Photoshopped is being heard more frequently. Many people are starting to speak out against the unrealistic way in which models are transformed for editorial, fashion, and commercial photographs. In this creative […]
You’ve only got three songs, no flash, low light, a crowd behind you, other photographers around you… and you need some really good shots! Whether you’re a pro concert photographer or you’re interested in becoming one, you’re bound to enjoy these exhilarating photos of musicians on stage in their element: If you’re just waiting for […]
Five months of planning. Nine hours shooting in the studio. 40 hours editing images in Photoshop. That’s what it took to complete “the most extensive (if not excessive)” project that photographer John Flury has ever attempted—a haunting composite image called “Provincial Uprising.” Watch behind the scenes as Flury hashes out the details for the project and shoots the […]
Getting exposure correct when shooting in high contrast situations—such as landscapes with bright skies and dark foregrounds—is a challenge. In the video below, Bryan Peterson explores the advantages of using a graduated neutral density filter and how to use this tool to amp up your landscape images: Neutral density filters offer several advantages to photographers: […]
This new course is designed to teach photographers the techniques used by professionals to get great photos – every time – even in the most difficult conditions at parties, weddings, concerts, corporate functions, nightclubs, fashion shows, fast-moving sports games, festivals, and more. To have the equipment and knowledge ready so you’ll never again feel nervous […]
Product photography may seem simple; you’re just taking pictures of stationary objects. However, this can be one of the most challenging forms of commercial photography if you don’t have the proper lighting. According to Nikonian Academy Director Andrew Boey, one of the toughest objects to photograph is a transparent bottle of perfume with a reflective […]
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