We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
Travel photography involves the documentation of an area’s landscape, people, cultures, customs, and history. You probably get home from a holiday with thousands of new photos ready to be examined and edited. Next time, on your way to the perfect holiday destination, take out your camera a bit sooner— in the airport. You could capture […]
Tilt shift lenses aren’t just for quirky landscapes and making things appear to be miniature, they can also be useful in portrait photography. Take a look at the following video to learn a few useful tips for utilizing a specialized piece of glass that you may not have considered for portraits: Using the Nikon 85mm […]
Some photographers specialize in “natural light” photography and others have mastered the artificial “creative” stuff, but photographer Joe McNally does it all, and well indeed. In the following short video tutorial, McNally provides basic advice about how to read and harness available light and then integrate that natural ambient light with artificial light: McNally begins the first […]
Photographing weddings can be a huge task. You need to capture all the special moments between the bride and groom, and their friends and families–and you only have one chance to get it right. To lessen your stress level, professional wedding photographer Moshe Zusman provides a rundown of the necessary equipment you should have in […]
Many a starry-eyed amateur photographer chooses to ignore the advice, “Don’t quit your day job.” But we’re certainly glad that Wei Gensheng didn’t. Gensheng works as a crane operator in Shanghai, which affords him breathtaking views of the city. His crew is currently building the second tallest skyscraper in the world, Shanghai Tower, which dwarfs […]
If you’re a photographer thinking about getting into the advertising market, you may have your work cut out for you; competition is stiff in today’s digital world. But if you have what it takes—and that doesn’t just mean raw talent—you can make a name for yourself in the high profile industry. As commercial advertising photographer […]
If you took your child to a photo shoot as recently as 1995, you’d expect to dress them in their stuffy “Sunday best.” Not anymore. Now they could be wearing animal costumes, fairy wings, cowboy hats, crowns, balloons, you name it. Something happened in the mid-nineties, and the rest is history. Australian-born photographer Anne Geddes […]
Beth Jansen‘s journey into photography is a familiar one. What started out as a hobby for capturing great pictures of her family and making a little extra money on the side escalated into a successful portrait photography business. But Jansen isn’t “just another mom with a camera.” Combining artistic vision with innate fashion sense regarding colors, […]
Ever wonder what kind of work goes into creating those glossy commercial photos that are often found as advertisements in magazines? As you’d suspect, there’s more to it than just snapping a couple photos of a product and calling it a day. As Rob Grimm shows us in the video below, there is a lot […]
Robert Beck, Sports Illustrated staffer, caught the photo bug in his twenties. George Karbus, premier outdoor photographer, dolphin whisperer. Dave Black, Nikon Ambassador, lightpainting master. What do these three professional photographers have in common? They are each deeply and profoundly passionate about photography, even moved to tears by the power of a great picture. In […]
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