We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
The selfie craze may have reached its zenith with Ellen’s most-rewteeted Oscar pic, but that hasn’t stopped Seattle-based YouTube comedian Jason Rodjanapanyakul from keeping the trend alive. Recently he traipsed alone around a local mall, yelling “selfie!” at strangers and surprising them with self-portraits: It’s actually a strangely fascinating social experiment. Not so much for the bored […]
If you’re just starting out in photography, you might have heard of something called RAW. RAW files are really big photo files that professionals use, but many amateurs stay away from–mainly because RAW files are enormous and beginners wouldn’t know what to do with them. This video aims to solve that by offering a really excellent, […]
On a road trip from Montreal to Nevada in July 2013, Eric Paré and Marie-Line Migneault were aiming for Burning Man but got distracted by the natural beauty of the American West. They began regularly stopping, hopping out of their car, and shooting stop-motion and timelapse videos of the wild west, including celestial sunsets and sweeping […]
Light painting is a bit of an obscure art–it involves sitting in a completely dark room, setting your camera to a long exposure, and painting light onto the image with delicate wrist strokes of an LED light. (This article gives an excellent overview.) In the video below, we’re shown an intermediate-level rule of light painting […]
In what has basically been a 14-year Photoshop ad, the career of surrealist Swedish photographer Erik Johansson has produced some of the most dazzling images on the web, blending the 3D trickery with a soft-focus, dreamlike lens. He is a full-time digital retoucher and photographer, but more properly, he is an artist in the same […]
In a mathematically baffling, scientifically swerving 10-minute video, professional geek analysts Vsauce delve into comparing the universes of cinema and real-life to answer one seemingly simple question: What is the resolution of the human eye? Watch host Michael Stevens take a lengthy stab at it below: First: What Is Resolution? Stevens starts by defining megapixels as not equal to […]
As a portrait photographer, part of your job is to instill confidence in your clients, most of whom are relative strangers. To do this, you don’t want to be fumbling around with your lighting setup and looking like you might not know exactly what you’re trying to accomplish. In the hour-long video below, Bob Harrington […]
The new edition of this guide is designed for landscape photographers – those who know the basics of landscape photography, but want to push their limits into a new realm of shallow depths of field & bokeh – to create landscapes that are unique and powerful. But anyone looking to learn bokeh will benefit from […]
In conjunction with the relaunch of Cosmos: A Space-Time Odyssey, a 13-part astronomy series hosted by famously charming scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson and premiering in more than 70 countries, NASA has excitedly put together an inspired set of cosmic photographs to rally us all behind space exploration. It worked; we’re excited. You can check out our favorites […]
The art behind timelapse filmmaking is often overshadowed by the beauty of an exceptional timelapse itself. With photography as exemplary as that which is presented to us in Into The Mind, it is for us to become so absorbed into the rolling clouds over the Himalayas and the storytelling perspective of Nepali culture that we […]
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