We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
While you may come across a multitude of photography tutorials that focus on lenses, cameras, and lighting, there is one significant piece of photography gear that often gets neglected and somehow slips by the photography forums–the camera strap! Even filters and bags manage to get a lot of press, but hardly anyone stops to think […]
Most of us know that take great landscape images we need a tripod and good light, but there is a lot more to it than just setting your camera up in front a pretty scene and snapping a picture. As Tim Cooper explains in the following seminar, there are lots of secrets and tips the […]
Smartphone photography is becoming more and more popular as the cameras in phones get better and better. Combine this with the widespread use of apps like Instagram, and you have a genre of photography that is creating its own place in the world of professional and amateur photography alike. In the video clip below, Kate […]
Here’s a new and deftly beautiful documentary on Dutch-born photographer Chantal Heijnen by an Amsterdam-based filmmaking duo. In it, Heijnen details her life as a teenager in the Netherlands with dreams of being a professional photographer, getting sidetracked by working with refugees as a social worker, losing that job after more than a decade, and deciding to […]
Photographing light sources such as lamps without over exposing them or underexposing other objects in the image can be tricky. One way around this is to add the glow during post-processing using photo editing software such as Photoshop. Check out conceptual photographer Brooke Shaden‘s quick tutorial that shows you how to give your images a […]
This eBook bundle is designed to help aspiring photographers learn invaluable tricks to speed their overall comprehension. It offers “hacks” that are meant to help beginners learn to take better pictures in as little as 10 days. Most photographers learn visually. Hacking Photography was designed with that in mind. The eBook is meant to be […]
Fashion photographers cannot overstate the value of a precise lighting rig. Three-point kits and background fills are common, and knowing how to control your light is one of the most fundamental aspects of being a photographer–especially if you’re shooting indoor fashion or beauty models. That’s what makes Sean Armenta‘s tutorial on how to use just […]
Taking good beach photos sounds easier than it is. The big trick, according to Bryan Peterson, is managing the massive amount of uncontrolled ambient light. In this video, Bryan challenges his student, Andrew, to take an interesting shot of a single starfish, rather than try to capture the entire beach landscape: Andrew is using a […]
Depth of field is one of the most important distinguishers between professional and amateur photography. Composition and exposure might be easy to grasp, but controlling your focus is harder, mainly because there are so many ways to manipulate it. Kelly Mena does a great job at explaining it: What is Depth of Field? Basically, depth […]
Ring flashes give photographs a distinctive look and are a favorite of fashion photographers. Typically used by shooting through the opening in the center, the ring flash creates a flat, uniform light and a “halo” of shadow behind the subject, both ideal for fashion and beauty shoots. However, the ring flash is actually a very […]
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