We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
Do you have a story about your most challenging photo shoot of all time? Every photographer has a horror story about photographing fast-moving children or animals, hard-to-please clients, or dimly-lit venues. But imagine trying to properly light and photograph a jet speeding through the air above you. That’s just the task that stock photographer Yuri […]
So you’re scrolling through Facebook and you see one of your friends added 20 new photos from their “epic” party last Saturday. As you look through them, you notice how they all seem to be captured at that perfect moment. In one photo, Jamie’s about to land a kiss on Derek while Adam’s doing a […]
Sea sights? Here is our selection of just 12 of the most astonishing coast scenes from all around the world! Of course, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Check it out yourself! Amazed? So are we! What’s your favorite? And why? Let us know below. For more information get started with 5 tips […]
This new eBook is designed to take the mystery out of ensuring you have the perfect photography gear for your needs: from cameras through to lenses, tripods, filters and bags. The aim is to give you the tools to understand what your equipment can do for you, and help you to decide when it’s time […]
Sixty-five years ago, Polaroid’s instant film cameras hit the market, and the world embraced the fun new way of taking pictures with nearly immediate results. The company went on to produce dozens of unconventional camera models, stopping production of analog cameras and instant film in favor of digital models in 2008. Two years later, The […]
Shooting portraits with hard light is something photographers are generally taught to flee from—“Always use softboxes in studio sessions, and only shoot natural light portraits in the morning and evening, or your photographs will look washed out and amateur,” they say. But while shooting portraits with a hard light source can be tricky, it can […]
This article is for new Adobe Lightroom users as well as those who already have photographs stored on their computer and are looking for a better approach. Deciding how to store your photographs or improve the way you currently store your photographs requires a little knowledge and a plan. In either case, the end game […]
The argument over whether or not to use a flash when shooting a live concert comes down to two distinct issues, one technical and the other ethical. On the one hand, using a flash in a low light setting gives you a tremendous advantage over your environment for capturing quality shots. On the other, there’s […]
This new eBook is designed to deliver over 100 ideas, images and sources of inspiration to take your photography to new heights. Found here: The Creativity Field Guide “Over the past year, we’ve done a lot of head scratching and chin-in-hand pondering, thinking of ways to get creative with photography. This little book is the result […]
The telephoto lens has certainly helped to mitigate some of the dangers inherent in wildlife photography, but the craft is still widely considered to be a risky business—requiring photographers to brave the elements and stalk animals like mountain lions who may suddenly disappear into the underbrush to stalk the photographer. In this video, a young […]
We are always looking for more interesting and insightful photography tips and techniques to share with our readers. We would love to publish an article by you if you are interested in writing for us. See what we are looking for and get in touch.