Photography Tips & Tutorials7169 articles

We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.

Dynamic Range in the World of Photography

Dynamic Range in the World of Photography

Look at something other than your computer screen for a moment and take note of the world around you. You should notice bright highlights and dark shadow areas without much of a problem. Film and digital sensors don’t see as well as you do. The shadows and highlights may be quantified as numbers that represent […]

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Focus Bracketing Technique: Never Miss a Shot

Focus Bracketing Technique: Never Miss a Shot

When it comes to photography, the word “bracketing” can mean a lot of things. Essentially, it just refers to the practice of taking the same shot several times using different camera options, but it can be done in so many ways. By making so many different images of the same scene, you can then choose […]

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What Sports Arenas Look for When Hiring Photographers

What Sports Arenas Look for When Hiring Photographers

A certain air of power is present in sports-related advertising. Take in the walls of a Nike store or graze the pages of Sports Illustrated, and visions of strength, perseverance, and success often come to mind. But just how do sports photographers achieve that heroic look? Commercial photographer Kevin Winzeler is an expert at creating […]

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Position of Light in Photography

Position of Light in Photography

As a photographer, I’m frequently asked how I get such blue skies in my photos. Some people go to the extent of suspecting that I’m capable of turning white sky blue. There’s no such thing, of course. The surest way to get a blue sky in your photograph is to shoot your photo when the […]

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Portable Butterfly Lighting Setup for Headshots

Portable Butterfly Lighting Setup for Headshots

Advertising is a funny thing. Its goal is to entice the viewer to purchase or otherwise further engage with the person, product, or service being sold. To do that often requires semantic trickery, as is the case of the following video, which is essentially a three minute advertisement for Matthews Studio Equipment masquerading as an […]

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HDR Photography Basics and How to Get Started

HDR Photography Basics and How to Get Started

High dynamic range photography is still in its infancy as an art form, but it’s becoming more and more popular every day. Never before has an image on your computer been able to compete with the imagery in the human brain. Now, of course, I’m not saying that this high dynamic range photography is better […]

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Explore Barcelona Through These 24,000 Photos (Timelapse)

Explore Barcelona Through These 24,000 Photos (Timelapse)

As travel photography becomes increasingly popular, we’re seeing an insurgence of people wanting to take their photography to the next level by creating timelapses. Fortunately, there’s no shortage of incredible places to visit and capture as is evidenced by Alexandr Kravtsov’s stunning video of Barcelona: Kravstov went to great lengths to capture the still images–all 24,000 […]

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Loop Lighting for Portrait Photography

Loop Lighting for Portrait Photography

In previous articles, we began our study of lighting patterns for portrait photography with broad lighting, short lighting, and split lighting. Now let’s move on to loop lighting. In portrait photography, this lighting pattern tends to be one of the most popular. It’s easy to set up and is flattering to most faces. Remember that […]

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A Street Photographer’s Unwavering Determination

A Street Photographer’s Unwavering Determination

Street photographer Flo Fox was born blind in one eye. As she approached the age of thirty, the vision in her other eye became fuzzy. And later she started walking with a cane, one leg dragging stubbornly behind her. She saw a neurologist, who diagnosed her with multiple sclerosis. But even that didn’t stop her. […]

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Tips for Holding a Camera

Tips for Holding a Camera

There are some basic techniques required to ensure that you have a stable platform on which to start taking your photos. If you have a compact camera and are using an LCD as a viewfinder, you may find it hard to believe, but holding your camera still will be more difficult than using a bridge […]

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