Photography Tips & Tutorials7171 articles

We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.

Photoshop Actions Bundle for Quick Effects and Editing

Photoshop Actions Bundle for Quick Effects and Editing

This deal includes 14 premium Photoshop actions sets that are currently being sold by, adding up to 205 individual actions ($238 value). With this collection of actions at your disposal you will be able to apply a wide range of effects to your photos with just a click. They include vintage effects, HDR effects, […]

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Stop Motion Short Takes You on an Adventure Through Old Photographs

Stop Motion Short Takes You on an Adventure Through Old Photographs

We’ve seen a lot of stop motion productions, but rarely do we see one that incorporates such a unique technique like the one below. In “Paper Memories,” writer and director Theo Putzu experimented with putting a video inside of a video. The clip, which chronicles the memories of an elderly man, is a heartwarming story […]

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A Day in the Life of a Coffee Table Book Photographer

A Day in the Life of a Coffee Table Book Photographer

Jordan Matter’s love affair with photography began when he became captivated by the beauty of the view from a mountain peak. But he quickly realized that he didn’t have the photography skills or equipment to realize his vision for the shot. Soon afterward, he bought a DSLR and took a photography course. “I saw my […]

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Behind the Scenes of a Timelapse Photography Project in Bangkok

Behind the Scenes of a Timelapse Photography Project in Bangkok

Timelapses are pretty straightforward. It’s not rocket science shooting pictures at set intervals and combining them on the computer afterwards, but it’s a whole new ball game making them unique and visually appealing. In some cases, the view isn’t enough to make the sequences; you need something else, something interesting that will bring the footage […]

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How Light Can Be Used in Photography

How Light Can Be Used in Photography

Photography cannot exist without light. From the beginning of photography, the only element that had to be present for photography to exist was light, and this is still true today. Use of light in photography needs to be understood to make photos stand out from your everyday snapshot. One needs to know how the position […]

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Photography Tips on Google+: Reaches 15,000 Followers

Photography Tips on Google+: Reaches 15,000 Followers

We love our new Google+ followers! They are often the first to know if we have a new in-depth article posted and we value the comments, plus one’s, discussions and feedback we receive there. Today the number of photographers following us on Google+ surpassed 15,000! Thanks so much to all of you, we look forward […]

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Using Soft or Hard Light Modifiers for Outdoor Beauty Photography

Using Soft or Hard Light Modifiers for Outdoor Beauty Photography

The sun is great and all, what with it being the primary source of life on this planet, but it can often get in the way of a good photo shoot. There are only a couple of hours each day that the sun can light a scene with any drama; the rest of the time […]

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DSLR Camera Lenses and Their Abbreviations

DSLR Camera Lenses and Their Abbreviations

For those of you who want to learn what all these DSLR abbreviations are about, I’ve compiled a list of the terms used, what they stand for and of course what they’ll actually do for you. General Abbreviations Before we get into the nitty-gritty of why they are all different, let’s look at the commonalities. […]

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Photographer’s 1 Year Effort to Photograph a Mountain Lion Living in Los Angeles

Photographer’s 1 Year Effort to Photograph a Mountain Lion Living in Los Angeles

Next time the circumstances require you to stare through your lens for hours or to return to a site day after day until you finally get the perfect photograph, remember that oftentimes even National Geographic photographers don’t get the shot the first time around… or the second… or the third… Steve Winter, a seasoned National […]

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Travel Photographer Interview: David Hobcote

Travel Photographer Interview: David Hobcote

Recently I had the pleasure of interviewing David Hobcote, a professional photographer based in the U.K. who travels all over the globe capturing exquisite landscapes, wildlife scenes, portraits, and more. Last year, David had sales in over 20 countries across many major publications. He is one of the most searched members on the photographer social […]

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