Photography Tips & Tutorials7171 articles

We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.

Infrared Timelapse Photography of an Empty Philadelphia

Infrared Timelapse Photography of an Empty Philadelphia

Infrared photography has been increasing in popularity lately as photographers continue to push the limits of their digital cameras. Of course, infrared photography is nothing new, but it is easier and more manipulative than ever. There is true IR, and then there is color IR which is what photographer Bruce W. Berry Jr. decided to […]

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Be the Engineer of Your Own Portfolio Website

Be the Engineer of Your Own Portfolio Website

A major aspect of being a professional photographer is to showcase your work online, so that potential clients would find you. But why take the trouble to look for a web designer/developer to help you out, and invest a lot of energy in finding the right web hosting company? There is no need to give […]

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What Do All These Camera Modes Mean?

What Do All These Camera Modes Mean?

The mode dial on a modern camera usually includes a bewildering number of letters and icons. I can never remember what 90% of those modes do, and even if I did, I don’t remember to set that mode when the opportunity presents itself. But you can get by using just three of the modes—even two […]

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eBook on How to do a Documentary Photography Project

eBook on How to do a Documentary Photography Project

Have you ever thought about doing your own documentary photography project? Maybe you have or maybe you’ve never even thought of the possibility. While it’s true that documentary photography books are not widespread and well-known, this is one reason that pursuing it can be exciting and successful. It’s not yet a fully tapped genre of […]

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Using Car Reflections for Unique Abstract Photography

Using Car Reflections for Unique Abstract Photography

Photography and advertising have gone hand-in-hand for most of their mutual lives, but with the modern proliferation and prominence of social media outlets, companies are having to radically change the way they present themselves to the world. It’s not enough anymore to have a recognizable logo or a catchy jingle; a brand has to be […]

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This Stunning Time-Lapse of New York City is a Must-Watch

This Stunning Time-Lapse of New York City is a Must-Watch

New York City isn’t what it used to be. Soldiers with M-16s stand guard at Grand Central Station, walking through Times Square feels like you’re on line for something at Disney World, and the misfits have been driven out of the Village, replaced by European tourists and artisinal rice pudding shops. And, of course, the […]

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Multicultural Wedding Photography Lighting Guide

Multicultural Wedding Photography Lighting Guide

Unlike portrait photography where you have the luxury of time, wedding day photography is fast-paced and unforgiving to beginners as there is only one chance to get it right. This new in-depth guide is designed to help wedding photographers grasp the various possibilities of on-location lighting at wedding ceremonies & receptions of various cultures. Wedding […]

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Street Style Photography

Street Style Photography

Fashion Week is a bi-annual event held in London and sits alongside New York, Milan, and Paris as one of the “Big Four” fashion weeks. During this time, designers and fashion houses alike show off their newest clothing, and this is were you’ll meet Getty Images photographer Kirstin Sinclair. She takes part in “street style” […]

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Advanced Reflector Techniques for Outdoor Photography

Advanced Reflector Techniques for Outdoor Photography

You’ve probably heard, at some point, someone refer to the “Golden Hour” of photography. There are actually two Golden Hours: the first and last hours of sunlight each day. These are the ideal times to shoot outside, because the sun is low, glowing  red or orange or yellow, and it’s casting shadows that add depth […]

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How to Set Up a Photo Shoot

How to Set Up a Photo Shoot

This article is aimed newbies and those who want to branch out into fashion or people photography. If you’re new to the genre, you need to get a portfolio of work together so potential clients can see what you have to offer. We’re going to presume that you’ve decided what it is you’re going to […]

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