Photography Tips & Tutorials7171 articles

We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.

Tips for Managing Staff on a Big Photography Production

Tips for Managing Staff on a Big Photography Production

As a photographer, it is up to you to learn how to manage your team no matter how big or small it may be. On bigger productions, it becomes even more challenging because chances are you will be dealing with people you have never met before. Photographer Zach Sutton shares some tips on how he […]

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Exploring Cotonou, Benin (Africa) with Timelapse Photography

Exploring Cotonou, Benin (Africa) with Timelapse Photography

Thanks to modern technology, anyone anywhere can get a glimpse of life in other parts of the world. Pictures and movies help us daydream about what it would be like to spend a day in a place we’ve never traveled, all from the comforts of our own homes. This timelapse video of Cotonou, Benin’s largest […]

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Insider Look at the Work of Famous Street Photographers: New Documentary

Insider Look at the Work of Famous Street Photographers: New Documentary

A new documentary by ALLDAYEVERYDAY Films will offer an insider glimpse at the work of some of the most prominent street photographers of past and present. If the trailer is any indication, the film, entitled Everybody Street, will show how street photography captures life in all its facets — the fascinating and the bizarre, the disturbing and […]

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Challenges and Benefits of Panoramic Photography

Challenges and Benefits of Panoramic Photography

Cinerama movies are generally preferred for a very good reason: The field of view is more like what the human eye is accustomed to seeing. Unconsciously, when we look at a “normal” photo we know that it is like looking at the world through a window, and we are only seeing part of what we […]

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Good Example of How to Raise Money on Kickstarter as a Photographer

Good Example of How to Raise Money on Kickstarter as a Photographer

Photographer Joseph D.R. OLeary had a wonderful idea, even if it was a bit different than your typical idea. He wanted to create a photographic collection of bearded men. So over the next 18 months OLeary photographed over 130 men with beards. But it wasn’t just enough to shoot them. He wanted to publish a […]

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Replicating a Prominent Portrait Photograph

Replicating a Prominent Portrait Photograph

If you’ve never challenged yourself to recreate another photographer’s photo, you’re missing out on a priceless learning opportunity. The exercise forces you to dissect all elements of a photograph to figure out how it was made. In this humorous video, the DRTV team attempts to replicate Chase Jarvis’s Twitter profile picture, which was taken by […]

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Living Landscapes – A Guide to Stunning Landscape Photography

Living Landscapes – A Guide to Stunning Landscape Photography

Landscape photography is difficult to master until you learn that there are several massive compromises baked into the genre. This new guide, Living Landscapes, will help you move past the point, click and hope approach to landscape photography. You’ll learn from a pro how to capture stunning landscape photos you’ll hang on walls – not hide […]

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Lighting Ratios for Portrait Photography

Lighting Ratios for Portrait Photography

In portrait photography, lighting ratios are comparisons of the main light in a photo to the lesser light that fills in the shadows. This main light is known as the key light, and the lesser light is called the fill light. A lighting ratio can be expressed (K+F):F, where the main light is K+F because […]

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A Pro Photographer’s DIY Ring Light for Fashion Photography

A Pro Photographer’s DIY Ring Light for Fashion Photography

Ring flashes and continuous ring lights are popular among fashion portrait photographers. The circular lights are placed around the camera lens to reduce shadows and create interestingly shaped catch lights in a model’s eyes. Do-it-yourself types will be inspired by this pro photographer challenge, in which Mark Chung was asked to craft a homemade ring […]

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Essential Development for Lightroom 5

Essential Development for Lightroom 5

The industry leading photo editing program, Adobe Lightroom 5, can be very powerful once you learn the lay of the land. And presets can help you apply professional touches to your photo instantly which saves tons of time in post-processing. This updated eBook & preset bundle is designed to help you learn some of the most […]

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