Photography Tips & Tutorials7169 articles

We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.

Self Portrait Photography Ideas & Tricks

Self Portrait Photography Ideas & Tricks

In this video Gavin Hoey shows how to make two very different self portraits using a Canon 60D with the exact same lighting setup for both shots: The main difference between the two portraits is the background: a black background for the low key portrait and a white background for the Photoshopped portrait. If you […]

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How to Find a Niche as a Wedding Photographer

How to Find a Niche as a Wedding Photographer

Although most professional photographers aren’t very keen to perform wedding photography jobs, it is a fact that this is a one of the most lucrative areas in photography industry. The market is filled with millions and millions of photographers—some are very good with great careers while others can’t pass over the mediocre level. But that […]

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Classical Art & Photography

Classical Art & Photography

In terms of artistic mediums, photography is a relatively new form. Many of the composition techniques used by the Old Masters are major influences to the way we see and create photography in modern times. In the following hour and half long seminar artist and photographer Adam Marelli delivers an informative presentation on how photographers incorporate the […]

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Portrait Guide, Making the Shot

Portrait Guide, Making the Shot

This new in-depth portrait training guide is designed for those looking to take their portraits to the next level. A must-have resource for photographers aspiring to take portraits with SOUL. Everything from the right gear, to the right settings, to working with subjects. Found here: Portraits – Making the Shot Some of the many topics […]

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What Would You Photograph if You Had the Last Roll of Film Ever Processed?

What Would You Photograph if You Had the Last Roll of Film Ever Processed?

It’s a compelling question: What would you photograph if you had the last roll of film on earth? Although it hasn’t quite come to that yet, photographer Steve McCurry was given the chance to shoot with the last roll of Kodachrome film ever produced. Before Kodak chose to discontinue manufacturing Kodachrome film, it was long […]

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Pursue Signals and Ignore Noise in Your Photography Life

Pursue Signals and Ignore Noise in Your Photography Life

Zach Arias is a well-known photographer due to his continuing web presence. Whether through his blog or through videos on various web sites, he is constantly connecting with the photographic community. But the thing about Arias is that he talks about more than just photography. He talks about what it is to be a photographer […]

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How to Manage Hard Direct Light for Outside Portraits

How to Manage Hard Direct Light for Outside Portraits

Most photographers shoot outside during sunrise or sunset as these times often offer the best lighting conditions for photos. But what if you need to do a shoot during the day? Assuming there’s no cloud cover, mid-day lighting is very hard and produces heavy shadows and highlights on your subject that are difficult to control. […]

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Lenses for Beginners

Lenses for Beginners

A good lens is a wonderful thing—and every bit as important as a good camera body. The huge number of megapixels available on modern DSLRs are wasted if images are captured through a soft, dull piece of glass. As you grow as a photographer you will learn to appreciate the quality—and in some cases the […]

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Perspectives on Adopting Photography Techniques

Perspectives on Adopting Photography Techniques

In this Master Series, Gregory Heisler discusses photography techniques and how they can hide your vision. You don’t want to be dependent on them because they can be very limiting. Once you strip a person of those techniques, you may find that there is nothing left. Heisler emphasizes that the answer to what causes a […]

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How to Organize Photos with Adobe Lightroom

How to Organize Photos with Adobe Lightroom

Digitization of our photographs has made storing mass amounts of images much easier and certainly less physically space consuming. One of the downfalls, however, is that now instead of being limited to 36 frames per roll, we can go on shooting nearly endlessly, meaning we are taking more photographs than ever before. Keeping your digital […]

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