We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
In this Master Series, Gregory Heisler discusses photography techniques and how they can hide your vision. You don’t want to be dependent on them because they can be very limiting. Once you strip a person of those techniques, you may find that there is nothing left. Heisler emphasizes that the answer to what causes a […]
Digitization of our photographs has made storing mass amounts of images much easier and certainly less physically space consuming. One of the downfalls, however, is that now instead of being limited to 36 frames per roll, we can go on shooting nearly endlessly, meaning we are taking more photographs than ever before. Keeping your digital […]
Peter Coulson describes his work as “strong, sensual and mysteriously elegant with a twist of my screwed up sense of humor.” And he is certainly right, judging by this behind the scenes video. I was primarily impressed by how much confidence as a photographer and leadership this type of photo shoot would require: So, how […]
The DigitalRev team is back, this time as the AnalogRev team as they do some comparisons to see if using an old film SLR is a cheap alternative to using a full frame DSLR. Kai, Alamby, and Lok discuss the costs, quality, and functionality of their three film cameras, the Nikon F65, Canon A2E, and […]
In this video, Sarah Silver goes in-depth about the similarities between dance photography and fashion photography, and how upon transitioning from one to the other, she found that there was little to no difference between the two. She also imparts valuable insights, along with several useful tips to help you create dynamic photographs filled with […]
Product photography—especially food photography—is a highly specialized skill, as any photographer who has ventured into this category will attest. It’s a given that the resulting photo needs to look delicious. The challenge is that the fragile subject has such a limited life. Maybe it’s these poetic qualities that draw artists toward the plate, camera in […]
Even when using proper exposure and camera settings, sometimes you may take a photo that you feel needs a little something extra. We always try to get it right in the camera, but sometimes you can’t avoid issues. Below, we’ll go through a few different scenarios you might come across in which you need to […]
This incredible time-lapse can really only be appreciated in its entirety. You will be amazed as you watch various colorful flowers bloom against a black backdrop. The entire project took more than 730 hours, with over 7,100 photos shot. The best part? The photographer implemented a homemade studio, using a cabinet to keep lighting consistent—and […]
There is no denying the fact the photography world is full of opinionated people who want to share their ideals of what art is with the rest of us. Sometimes they’re bold approach comes off as overbearing, perhaps a even a bit pompous. The difference between those types of people and Tyler Shields is that […]
Lights, lights, lights. There are so many kinds of lights. Fill lights, soft lights, hard lights, natural lights, kickers, etc. Well here’s a video about another kind of light, one that you might be very interested to try out if you haven’t already: the ringflash. This light is often referred to as the shadowless light. […]
We are always looking for more interesting and insightful photography tips and techniques to share with our readers. We would love to publish an article by you if you are interested in writing for us. See what we are looking for and get in touch.