We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
This book is designed for photographers of all levels and at any stage of growing their business. Whether you have yet to charge one dollar, make a few hundred dollars a month, or strive to make a full-time living from your craft. This guide is meant to be a spark for you—to help you get a little more organized, […]
Wexley School For Girls is an advertising agency, self described as a Fan Factory, that creates engaged fanatics, turning consumers into fans of brands. It certainly doesn’t take much to realize the full humorist creativeness of this team. On the other had, John Keatley is one of the most creative portrait photographers in the world; his […]
It used to be that the term paparazzi referred to professional or amateur photographers who followed celebrities around in hopes of getting a few good images that they could sell on the internet. But with everybody carrying either a point and shoot or a camera phone, the paparazzi is everyone and celebrities have less privacy […]
When it comes to taking professional quality wedding images, the lens is much more important than the camera body itself. This doesn’t mean you should get the cheapest camera body that you can find. If you’re on a tight budget and you can’t afford to go full-frame, you should consider getting a semi-professional camera, such […]
While it’s not entirely impossible to take photos in harsh conditions, there’s a lot to be desired when sticking one’s head and photography equipment out the window of a car going 100 km/h. Photographers Lauri Laukkanen and Sakari Mäkelä demonstrate how finding the right angle for a photo can be challenging in freezing cold weather, […]
Ever wonder what it was like to take a fashion photo shoot outside on a blustery, winter day? Below, you can take a behind the scenes look at a shoot that has done just that. Join photographer, Chris Lambeth, and his crew as they take to the snow covered streets with their model for the […]
Canon is one the most preferred companies when talking about photography, as each year we are presented with delightful and state-of-the-art sets of photography equipment. The radio-based wireless E-TTL flash is one of their latest novelties – in fact, the new Speedlite 600EX-RT takes a step forward regarding off-camera flash, starting with its ability to communicate up […]
This new interactive eBook is designed for those interested in attempting professional beauty & portrait photography retouching or those who just want to understand the fundamentals. It contains information & embedded videos on tools that every photographer who wants to successfully edit their own images should master for high end fashion and portrait photography. But […]
Not many people are granted the opportunity to take a tour of Sigma’s production factories. Fortunately, the company allowed access to a video crew who takes us on a virtual tour through the facility, giving us a behind the scenes look at the craftsmanship that goes into each piece of glass the company produces. Throughout the duration of the […]
Photographer Onne van der Wal has done it all when it comes to nautical photography. Yachts, sailboats, racing boats, lighthouses, ocean life, beaches, harbors, icebergs, you name it. Onne has a background as a professional sailer and an extensive knowledge of ships and sailing, which works to benefit his photography. In this hour-long workshop/lecture, Onne […]
We are always looking for more interesting and insightful photography tips and techniques to share with our readers. We would love to publish an article by you if you are interested in writing for us. See what we are looking for and get in touch.