We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
An architectural photographer can create dramatic images of buildings that perhaps at first glance, do not seem to be all that photographic. Understanding architectural design and then selecting the angles that best portray the building, combined with critical lighting—which is determined by time of day—are all essential components in fine architectural photography. Many buildings can […]
As much as we’d like it, we don’t always have the best camera gear available to us. Sometimes we don’t even have decent gear. But we photographers are resourceful and are known to create all sorts of rigs and makeshift devices to meet our needs. This resourcefulness is the idea behind DigitalRev TV’s series, Pro […]
As if air travel in the midst of the busy holiday season wasn’t frustrating enough, one photographer experienced an exceptionally taxing experience when traveling with a bulk of his photography gear from Chicago to Boston on a JetBlue flight. When Jess Dugan, a seasoned fine art photographer, exceeded the limit of carry-on bags allowed by JetBlue, he […]
Sports photography is one of the greater challenges in the photographic world. It takes a great amount of both skill and luck. Athletes move quickly and often unpredictably, and the whole game can shift in an instant. As a sports photographer, you have to have quick reflexes. And between all your running around and shooting, […]
A very inspiring start to the new year. Further Up Yonder is, by far, one of the greatest and best examples you can find to exemplify the full capabilities of timelapse photography. Giamoco Sardelli, a young photographer and videographer, authored this inspiring story, a message from the International Space Station to all Humankind: “I wanted […]
What could have turned into a dangerous event, actually became a rather comedic one, as a black bear attempted to take over a nature photo session, lead by photographer Dean Schwartz. Here’s the full story: While photographing a black bear sow and her three spring cubs near Ely, Minnesota, I noticed a young bear watching […]
As the year ends and a new one begins, we looked back at what articles & topics attracted the most attention in 2012. We were excited to learn that our visitor base grew 75% last year (5 million photographers stopped by) and we are busy planning exciting things for 2013, thanks so much to all of you who continue to visit us! This site would not be possible without you. We would love to hear your thoughts on these articles, please tell us which one was most useful to you and why.
Zach Hetrick describes his project, The Brooklyn Drawing Board in this short film. This is what he calls a “personal project”, which he admits is just code for “practice”; this sounds almost disparaging, but of course these projects are the heart and soul of our continuing education in our craft. Work we do for clients […]
Ever want to do a photo shoot in the rain? Then check out this video of the BYU photo team shooting a promotional poster for the Contemporary Dance Theater. This behind-the-scenes look gives you a glimpse of how the BYU team staged their own little rain storm and created a dramatic scene for their photo […]
Many of us view models as superficial and overconfident. And why wouldn’t we? They’re beautiful, they have very few real life skills, and yet they make a better living than most of us just because of the way they look. Even Cameron Russell, whose been modeling for ten years, would agree with the latter. But […]
We are always looking for more interesting and insightful photography tips and techniques to share with our readers. We would love to publish an article by you if you are interested in writing for us. See what we are looking for and get in touch.