Photography Tips & Tutorials7169 articles

We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.

Edgy Sports Lighting Techniques in Portrait Photography

Edgy Sports Lighting Techniques in Portrait Photography

You know those photographs of athletes where the dramatic lighting makes them appear to be more fierce than they already are? The kind where their muscles have so much depth and definition they seem to pop right out of the picture? Joel Grimes is a master of that kind of edgy sports lighting and being the gentleman that he is, he has taken the time out of his busy schedule to make a video tutorial outlining exactly how he does it. Besides being an excellent photographer, Grimes has a very easy to follow approach to instruction that even novice photographers can understand.

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Time-lapse Photography: The Amazing Work of Terje Sorgjerd

Time-lapse Photography: The Amazing Work of Terje Sorgjerd

One of the most popular and talented time-lapse photographers in the world is Terje Sorgjerd. He has released four videos to the public shown below; all of which except the newest release have received millions of views. His work has been featured on most of the largest media outlets including CNN, NBC, Reuters, Discovery Channel, National Geographic, The Wall Street Journal and most recently as a moving background on the Bing search engine. Time-lapse photography is a technique involving the capture of a series of photos and showing the rapid passing of time.

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Earthlapse: Timelapse Photography from Space

Earthlapse: Timelapse Photography from Space

It seems like timelapse videos made from footage collected on the International Space Station are popping up left and right these days. Knate Myers decided to try his hand at making one and his results are one of my favorites thus far. All of the photographs used to make this timelapse were taken on a Nikon D3 and are available as public domain via the NASA website. Myers timelapse focus on footage taken at night and includes some phenomenal images of the Milky Way.

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China Revealed – A Timelapse Film of a Mysterious Country

China Revealed – A Timelapse Film of a Mysterious Country

Switch on the TV news these days and almost certainly one of the items will be about China. The rapid economic growth of this ancient country both inspires and captivates us, yet to most it remains a mysterious and mythical place. This stunning timelapse video by Ryan Edond chronicles, his personal feelings of the place and takes us on a journey from Hong Kong to Beijing with a number of stops in-between.

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This Photo Will Melt Your Heart

This Photo Will Melt Your Heart

This is a photo of John Unger and his best friend Schoep who suffers from severe arthritis. The water helps relieve some of Schoep’s pain so he can get some rest whenever John brings him here. Since this photo was released both the photographer and John Unger have been receiving words of encouragement from all over the world. Veterinarians say that Schoep may need to be put down soon due to his condition, so John has been taking him to the lake more frequently to help him feel better and try to enjoy every moment they have left together.

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Finding Focus, Understanding the Camera’s Eye

Finding Focus, Understanding the Camera’s Eye

The topic of focus is a very technical one which this new eBook tackles. After all, when a new camera is released some of the biggest praise (and criticism) revolves around the focusing system—speed, accuracy, and quality are all extremely important. In this eBook, Nicole Young  covers topics such as aperture, depth of field, and lens […]

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Timelapse of 30 Days & 30 Nights in Queenstown, New Zealand

Timelapse of 30 Days & 30 Nights in Queenstown, New Zealand

Any Lord of The Rings fan can tell you that New Zealand is one of earths visually stunning treasures. The dramatic landscapes and climbing terrain are perfect backdrops to any photograph. When photographer, Trey Ratcliff, decided to make the move to the Queenstown, he took the opportunity to get to know his new home from behind the camera. This time-lapse is made up of tens of thousands of photographs he took over the course of 30 days.

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How to Find Models for Photography

How to Find Models for Photography

If you’re interested in getting into model or portrait photography it’s important to find good subjects to work with for your portfolio. Finding people to shoot with can be difficult especially if your portraiture portfolio is limited or non-existent. This article will cover some strategies and resources for finding models to work with. The best place to start looking is with your friends. After getting several shots that you’re really happy with, you need to move onto working with some real models.

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Wedding Photographer Sued Despite Doing a Great Job

Wedding Photographer Sued Despite Doing a Great Job

A wedding photographer in Washington state was recently issued a wake-up call when it comes to client contracts. The photographer had made a verbal agreement to photograph a wedding and give the couple all of the raw images files rather than prints–a practice commonly referred to within the industry as “shoot to burn”– so they could make the edits themselves.

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Being a Photographer at the Olympic Games

Being a Photographer at the Olympic Games

To many sports photographers, being assigned to cover the Olympics is a dream come true. For Australian photographer, Adam Pretty, it is a dream that has been realized five times. The Getty Images chief photographer recently shared his insights from the London Olympic Games on what it is like to photograph the event and the risks he has taken to get there. Have a look at the interview.

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