Photography Tips & Tutorials7171 articles

We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.

Creative Car Photography Session for Top Gear

Creative Car Photography Session for Top Gear

Take a couple minutes to go on a behind the scenes tour of a photoshoot with automobile photographer, Daniel Linnet, as he takes some shots of the super sleek Porsche Carerra 911 S and BMW M-series for Top Gear Magazine. Thinking outside the box, Linnet decided to light the cars using lasers which were operated by a laser show artist. Linnet says working with the lasers created a challenge, but by the looks of the above image, it sure paid off.

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Approaches to Composition & Photography with Best Selling Author Scott Kelby

Approaches to Composition & Photography with Best Selling Author Scott Kelby

We’re pretty big fans of Google+ over here at PictureCorrect–find us and follow us here–so, needless to say, we were pretty excited to see the social network put together a seminar with best selling photography author, Scott Kelby. The well-known author has made a name for himself by teaching photographers at all levels to break away from the typical “rules of thirds, leading lines, repeating pattern” approach. Kelby instead insists upon the importance of working a scene to get exactly what you want out of it.

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Commercial Photography Techniques for a Fitness Brand

Commercial Photography Techniques for a Fitness Brand

Commercial photographer, Dean Bradshaw, recently photographed an assortment of athletes for the 2012 Startrac ad campaign. In a short film documenting the shoot, filmmaker, Charles Thi, captures some of the equipment Bradshaw uses along with a few of his shooting techniques. The video takes viewers on a behind the scenes tour of the various sets used throughout the shoot. For the photoshoot Bradshaw utilizes HDR processing techniques with excellent studio lighting.

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The Fascinating Process of Afghan Street Photographers

The Fascinating Process of Afghan Street Photographers

Admittedly, it’s easy to sit back and take our digital cameras for granted. They are easy to use, fast, and convenient. Then you come across something that makes you remember just how easy it we have it sometimes. For example, Afghan street photographers–there are reportedly only two of them–go about taking photographers in a much different way. Using what they refer to as a kamra-e-faoree, which roughly translates to instant camera, the process of creating a photograph takes place entirely inside the large wooden box camera.

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Ocean Sky Time-lapse Photography at Night

Ocean Sky Time-lapse Photography at Night

Inspired by taking a long exposure night sky shot at a star gazing party in 2009, photographer Alex Cherney set himself a project. To combine two of his photographic passions namely ocean and night sky into one stunning time lapse sequence. Alex is a hobbyist astronomer whose first foray into the heavens began in 2007. From there he bought ever-larger telescopes and joined a local astronomy club. It was here, at the 2009 star gazing party, that he borrowed a tripod and first pointed his DSLR towards the heavens realizing the full potential of digital photography in the field of astronomy.

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Google Doodle with Paint Splashes: Creative Photo Project

Google Doodle with Paint Splashes: Creative Photo Project

If you’ve never heard of Atlanta based photographer, Alex Koloskov, you may want to do a quick Google search of him. In terms of thinking outside of the box, Koloskov basically epitomizes it. Watching him perform his art during a commercial photoshoot is pretty entertaining. He likes to makes messes. Big messes. And it usually involves throwing liquids–sometimes at people– to photograph it mid-air. By the way, speaking of Google and throwing messy liquids in front of cameras, it turns out Koloskov is the genius behind the popular Google Splash logo.

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Photographing Los Angeles Architecture with Moby

Photographing Los Angeles Architecture with Moby

When most people hear the name Moby, the automatically think of him as a musician, but, as it turns out, he’s not just a one trick pony. The electronic music artist is also an avid photographer and has been so since he was 10 years old. Moby’s most recent photography focuses on the weird and unique architecture of an expansive Los Angeles, California. Follow along with this short interview as he discusses his interest in architecture and shares a few of works with us.

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Hip Hop Pictures

Hip Hop Pictures

The name Jonathan Mannion has nearly become a household name in the world of hip hop and urban culture, as he has built a reputation for himself as one of the most influential photographers known to the genre. Having photographed some of rap’s biggest names, his photography has become as famous as his subject’s have. Mannion got his start as an assistant in New York City and his big break came when Jay-Z asked him to shoot the cover for his debut album in 1996.

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Soft Boxes

Soft Boxes

Soft boxes are an essential part of any studio set up, yet to many of us, who don’t frequent the studio environment, it may seem they are simple to set up and use. However, this is not the case and in this series of three videos from Jay P Morgan, we learn the basics and intricacies of setting up soft boxes in a real studio setting. Some of the lessons we learn from this video include: The area of coverage between a small soft box and a large soft box is basically the same. The difference is the quality of the light and how it wraps around a subject.

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5 Pieces of Equipment You Should Carry for Any Photo Excursion

5 Pieces of Equipment You Should Carry for Any Photo Excursion

Before I share my advice with you I want you to know I am an avid outdoor photographer. It is my passion and the reason for me to wake up at 4 AM every Saturday instead of going out with friends. We all know camera equipment is heavy and expensive, hence taking all this in […]

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