Photography Tips & Tutorials7169 articles

We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.

Changing Sunlight into Moonlight in Photography

Changing Sunlight into Moonlight in Photography

Shooting in moonlight adds an ethereal, blue look to an image. However, it’s not easy to shoot and difficult to control. In this short video, Jay P Morgan shows us how to set up a studio scenario to simulate moonlight: The idea is to have the light coming from the window, to have the appearance […]

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eyePhone: Making stronger photographs with your camera phone

eyePhone: Making stronger photographs with your camera phone

Another interesting eBook released this week is designed to help readers fall in love with the raw simplicity of shooting with your mobile phone, embrace its limitations, and turn them into your own creative freedom and voice. I’m glad the author addressed some of the valuable apps; he could have gone into more detail about using them but at least provides a good introductory foundation.

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Reflections Photography

Reflections Photography

There are many styles in photography, but it’s better to focus on one and make it your personal style. Photographing reflections is one style you can develop; reflections are mostly unnoticed by the average person, so you have a chance at being unique and showing the world something only you have seen. This article helps […]

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Using Light in Timelapse Photography

Using Light in Timelapse Photography

For most photographers, Yosemite National Park will be forever associated with the great Ansel Adams. His iconic images have become a benchmark for landscape photographers worldwide. Technology and techniques have marched on since Adam’s day and one of the most dynamic and visually arresting trends in modern, digital photography is that of the time-lapse sequence. In this fantastic video, visual artist Shawn Reeder demonstrates his not inconsiderable talents in the field with his incredible sequences of Yosemite.

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How to Create the Illusion of Fire with Light Painting

How to Create the Illusion of Fire with Light Painting

Dennis Calvert has devised a surprisingly uncomplicated method to make a light painting self-portrait in which he appears to be on fire. Outside of some pretty standard photography gear (camera, tripod, and a speedlight) all you need to take one of these for yourself is an electric glow stick. To make things even easier, Calvert put together a short […]

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Exposure and Photography

Exposure and Photography

In photography, there are three fundamental aspects that every photographer should familiarize themselves with: aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. The video below does a great job of laying out the basics in an easily understandable manner. If you’ve been wondering how to take images with just the right exposure, have a look: These three elements […]

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Photography Site Search Engine Optimization Tips

Photography Site Search Engine Optimization Tips

Almost every professional photographer I speak to about lead generation asks me the same question at some point during our conversation: “How can I get more website visitors from the search engines without having to pay for expensive ads?” While Google AdWords and paid advertisements on select photographer directories might bring in some website traffic, […]

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Travel Photo Tips

Travel Photo Tips

According to DSLR Traveler, getting great photographs while traveling starts by making sure you’re packing the right equipment. So find yourself a DSLR, a tripod, and a few extra batteries and SD cards, and you’re on your way. Once you have your gear lined up, take a moment to watch the following video and we’ll […]

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Long Exposure and Stroboscopic Flash Effect

Long Exposure and Stroboscopic Flash Effect

In this short video, photographer RJ Hidson demonstrates a fairly simple set up to get very striking multiple exposure images using Nikon SB-800 and SB-900 flashguns: The key points to shooting these images are as follows: Set the camera up on a tripod and use a long exposure time of around  3–4 seconds The exposure […]

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How Does Image Stabilization Work?

How Does Image Stabilization Work?

Ever wonder how the image stabilization mechanism in your lens works? So did the folks over at Camera Technica. They took apart one of their Canon 18–55mm lenses to see the device in action, saving you (and your lens) fromtaking your own apart just to have a look around. They started by removing the front element of the […]

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