We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
Product photography is one of the most challenging genres of photography. You really need to be selective with lighting, highlight just the right amount of the product, and also ensure that you capture the right amount of details. And when it comes to photographing rings in particular, the challenge is even greater. The shiny and […]
Wildlife photography combines a range of skills, both creative and technical. Many people struggle with one aspect in particular; knowing the best light for capturing their wildlife photos. To take a top-class wildlife photograph, you need to know your animal: where to find it, how to approach it without scaring it away, and how to […]
How many times have we heard that we need to shoot at the lowest ISO possible to get the best image? Well, photographer Bryan Peterson doesn’t always agree. In fact, he may never agree. In the video below he shows how and why: In the video above, the wind was giving enough motion to the […]
In order to be a truly creative photographer, you need to take your camera out of the automatic exposure modes and put it into either Programmed Auto, Aperture Priority, Shutter Priority, or Manual mode. These four modes give you total control over the camera settings that make up exposure: aperture, shutter priority, and ISO. Out […]
A basic three point lighting setup is really all the light that you’d ever need, even if you’re shooting commercially. And even if there’s no ambient light to work with. In this video, photographer Vanessa Joy sets up a basic three point lighting setup in the most challenging of environments: a basement. This is a […]
Generally speaking, people give close attention to good quality work. A good craftsman is appreciated; his skill, creativity and professionalism exude quality. Photographing wildlife is no different; the successful photographer must give attention to every aspect of his craft and treat it professionally. The following golden rules provide a strong foundation: A good Wildlife Photographer: […]
Struggling to get the perfect exposure? Or not quite sure how to nail it each and every time? Consider the humble gray card. It’s not much to look at, but it can take all the guesswork out of your exposure settings. Photographer David Bergman from Adorama explains just what it is, why it works, and a […]
Here’s part two of my series on how to take sharp photos—with more tips on keeping your camera steady. You can support your camera on a tree, a lamp post, or some other stable thing. But what’s next? What if you want more flexibility? Or if you want to position your camera more carefully? What if you want […]
Beginner photographers often use the terms “blurry” and “out of focus” interchangeably. But in reality, the two have completely different meanings and causes. Photographer Mark Wallace from Adorama explains the differences: When you focus, the lens forms a sharp image of a subject that is at a specific distance from the camera. If the camera […]
The point and shoot generation creates a problem when attempting to shoot great images. If you tend to point and shoot without much thought, you are already at a disadvantage when trying to take a great photo. Finding the nearest viewpoint and pushing the shutter button will hardly ever result in a great image. The […]
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