We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
Yosemite National Park spans over 700,000 acres and is home to some of North Americas most diverse wildlife. The park’s sweeping valleys, lush with ancent sequoia trees, perfectly complement the giant granite slopes and waterfalls that fall from them. Yosemite is, without a doubt, a true nature photographers playground. So much in fact, a section of the park is named in honor of famous photographer, Ansel Adams. Colin Delehanty recently spent four days with a fellow photographer, Sheldon Niel, to create this four minute timelapse of the park.
Monday is the final day to receive 33% off Photo Nuts and Post: a Guide to Post Processing Your Images. This eBook guide has proved to be extremely popular with both readers and reviewers. Consisting of 110 pages with an hour of video tutorials, it is currently priced at $19.99 as part of the launch promotion but will be $29.99 starting on Tuesday and going forward. It includes detailed walkthroughs of processing some example images, including over an hour of screencast videos which walk you through a number of the techniques talked about in the eBook.
Professional snowmobiler and X-Games Gold Medalist, Justin Hoyer, teamed up with photographer Andy Kawa to create a freestyle snowmobile action sequence using high speed strobes and a Nikon D300. Take a tour of the shoot here. Using only two strobes, Kawa fixed one lamp on Hoyer’s take-off ramp and had an assistant man the second lamp to manually track Hoyer as he flew through the air on his snowmobile.
Another eBook released this week, EXPOSURE For Outdoor Photography by Michael Frye teaches photographers how to master natural lighting situations in landscape photography. The most essential technical skill a photographer must master is exposure. On the surface, exposure seems easy. It’s simply a matter of making the image bright enough—not too dark, and not too light. But […]
Simple Wedding Photography by Lauren Lim was just released today and covers everything you need to know to photograph a wedding and the business behind it. From diagrams of where you should stand throughout the ceremony to advice on all the final deliverables to the client. This 200 page ebook will be useful to wedding photographers of any experience level. It also comes with several extras including: a sample wedding album in pdf format, a screencast commentary on the sample album, as well as wedding worksheets and checklists to make sure you’re prepared.
Cars that were manufactured before the end of World War II (1945) are classified as vintage cars, while those manufactured between 1945 and 1975 are categorized as classic cars. Before you venture out to photograph cars, either vintage or classic, it’s a good idea to know the basics of car body structure. From the exterior, […]
The filmmaking collective known as Conscious Minds are known for using conceptual ideas in producing spots for the internet. When they teamed up with Levi’s, in 2010, they produced the viral video, “Guy Walks Across America.” The two-minute short features a timelapse of the crew’s journey across the United States. In making the film, the group employed the popular Canon 5D MKII to capture the trip. The director of the film also mentions the use of an Apple iPad, which was used to set up the proper framing of each shot.
Photographer, Rob Hanson, has taken the time to create a detailed video tutorial to teach viewers how to make HDR photographs. The five part video series exams the editing process from start to finish. Hanson takes a set of three identical photographs at different exposures and combines them to create one perfectly exposed image. He uses a variety of programs throughout the series to create the finished product including Adobe Photoshop and a collection of plugins and filters to accompany it.
The Unseen Sea, a timelapse video by San Francisco, California based photographer, Simon Christen, has gone viral on Vimeo, racking up over 1.5 million views since it has been posted. The camera work seen here took place at various locations throughout San Francisco over the course of a year. I am always shooting in full manual mode and then adjust the exposure as the light changes. The exposure really varies depending on the shot. For example a bright city needs shorter shutter speeds then fog illuminated by moon light. The night shots take a little while to capture all the light.
If you’re just starting out in digital photography, you’ll realize that many of your shots can get out of focus or ruined if you’re not careful with exposure and camera handling technique. One of the more common problems I find is the presence of shutter lag in digital cameras. You depress the shutter button on […]
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