We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
CanvasPeople is offering a free 8×10 canvas print for the month of March as a way to introduce more people to their service. Users can either choose the free 8×10 print or receive 50$ off a larger print. If you have ever wanted to try printing one of your favorite photos on canvas, this is a very good opportunity. The only cost is shipping and handling (which was $14.95 for my order shipped to California). Their ordering process is very simple and convenient. A quality canvas print will deliver a matte-paper like contrast and color, but since there’s no glass over the print to reduce contrast and saturation, the colors remain much more vibrant when viewed from a distance.
This post is somewhat off the topic of photography, but I always wanted a page on this site where I could post items and information as the sport of wingsuit flying progresses. Plus, a lot of people have emailed me inquiring as to how one learns to fly a wingsuit – so I thought I would try to assemble some information. Wingsuit flying is new sport where participants fly their bodies up in the sky with the assistance of a special jumpsuit called a wingsuit which provides winged surfaces between the arms and legs for lift. Due to the speed at which wingsuits fly, a parachute is necessary for a safe landing.
The Evocative Image – A Photographer’s Guide to Capturing Mood, by Andrew S. Gibson is an interesting and very valuable eBook offering techniques you can use to inject mood and atmosphere into your photographs. The example photos are truly amazing along with the explanations of how they were captured. It is relatively easy to take […]
If you’re planning on buying a fisheye lens, there are three things you need to know before making your purchase. Knowing these three things can save you a lot of money and disappointment, not to mention time wasted. First, you need to know the difference between a fisheye lens and an ordinary wide angle lens. […]
It’s become commonplace to hear about the new camera release from one of the top brands, boasting about their new 22, 24, or 28 megapixel sensor. It’s a never-ending race that keeps the customer gasping for breath—and with a hole in the wallet. The reality is that megapixels were never that important and much less […]
New York portrait photographer Edward Verosky has just released a second eBook on professional portrait photography tips and techniques. In this book, there are very important and fundamental lessons to learn about building up your work and bringing the most out of your subjects. It focuses on the fact that it is imperative for working photographers to differentiate themselves from others in order not to drown in a sea of competition where so many are producing work absent of any unique style or vision. Amateurs have even more reason to explore the artistic areas of portraiture since it is a part of the amateur heritage to do so.
Lighting is one of the most important aspects of any photograph. This is especially true for wedding photography, where lighting can often be difficult to control. In a church ceremony, for example, flash photography is usually prohibited, and the wedding photographer will have to rely upon fast lenses and high ISO speeds to get the […]
In order to get superior snapshots of wildlife in their environment it is necessary that you gain the knowledge of setting up your shots. Just waiting until you reach the dense forest to come across a good snap shot is not recommended. So here are some wildlife photography tips. Practice. Bring your pet dog or […]
As most amateur and professional photographers take a percentage of their pictures indoors, you’d think we’d all be experts at shooting interiors. But if there is one encompassing fact about photography that I have learned over the years it’s this – the more I know about photography, the more I realise how clever the human eye is! The skill of interior photography is most often perfected by those who trade as interior and architectural photographers. Most budding amateur photographers never give much thought to making a room the subject of a photograph, even though it could teach them valuable lessons about photography.
The tripod head is an essential part of this piece of equipment. This is what holds the camera in position as it is needed for. There are several kinds of heads of which are available to photography enthusiasts. Some of these are permanent fixtures to the tripod while others are marketed as a separate or optional addition to the equipment. Camera tripods’ heads come in different types. Some of these are meant for specific purposes while others are more versatile in its use. The pan-tilt head is aptly named. This is one which can be moved accordingly to either side to be able to accommodate both vertical and horizontal orientations.
We are always looking for more interesting and insightful photography tips and techniques to share with our readers. We would love to publish an article by you if you are interested in writing for us. See what we are looking for and get in touch.