We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
Focus is critical in any kind of photo. You may be able to recover some details in post if you miscalculate your exposure. Or crop the image to adjust your composition. But if it’s out of focus, there’s no cure. So it’s crucial for every photographer to understand how focus works. Photographer Micael Widell explains […]
When photographing reflections, you’re looking to capture the reflection of specific elements or to capture the ambiance of the scene by including reflections of color. Common elements to reflect in the scene are trees, animals, man-made structures, and clouds. Common elements to reflect color in the scene are clouds, sky, sunset and sunrise reds, oranges, […]
Sharp photos are a goal for many photographers but can be a challenge, especially for beginners. In this video, professional nature and wildlife photographer Simon d’Entremont offers a checklist to help diagnose and solve sharpness issues: A photography sharpness checklist: Shooting in the best light – Direct sunlight or an external light source will give […]
The options that a photographer has to light a person’s face and body are many. You may use different types of lights such as parabolic or diffused and you may position them in endless combinations. There are however, five basic set ups that photographers use over and over again, the Rembrandt, the split lighting, the […]
Taking photos at a concert, regardless of who’s on the stage, can be a tricky thing to master. There are a number of things to consider. But the one thing that you need to give the most importance to is the spotlight, as David Bergman explains: Spotlights create an intense beam of light that completely […]
I’d be lying if I told you that bird photography is easy. No. It isn’t. It’s one of the toughest photography genres out there – perhaps the toughest. However, what I’m going to reveal today are ten easy steps to take better photos of birds no matter your experience and skill level. If you incorporate […]
Isn’t it frustrating when you participate in wildlife photography competitions but never find your name on the winners’ list? You must wonder about the parameters on which judges evaluate the submissions. In today’s insightful video, award-winning photographer and photography judge Janine Krayer shares five great wildlife photography contest tips and outlines the common mistakes that […]
Should you use a softbox, or an umbrella? Even though they serve similar purposes, which is to provide a larger light source (thereby softer light), there are several key differences between a softbox and an umbrella. Softbox This is the ideal light shaping tool for portraits, because of its versatility in controlling light spill. If […]
Landscape photography can be a challenging but rewarding hobby. In this video, photographer Mads Peter Iversen shares 10 quick and essential photography tricks for making your landscape photos stand out from the average Joe with a mobile phone: One of the first tricks is to try different and unique perspectives. Instead of just photographing a […]
In portrait photography news, this 464-page eBook was just launched to show readers how to create imaginative portrait photos, that could belong to a storybook. Which includes levitation, cloning, using smoke, adding elements, and more. It is currently 80% off today for the first 500 customers if you want to check it out. Launch sale […]
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