We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
Most of these printers offer good quality output for printing standard size photos, but pay attention to the detail because not all inkjet printers provide good quality output for larger photos. Although most inkjet printers produce a similar quality – the majority providing the maximum dpi (dots per inch) of 1,200 X 4,800 – spending more on an inkjet printer will most likely provide you with more features or a faster printing speed.
In basic terms, a histogram is a two-dimensional graph, often resembling a range of mountain peaks, that represents an image’s tonal extent. Whilst, at first glance, histograms might appear quite complex and confusing, they are actually very simple to read. They are an essential aid for digital SLR photographers striving to achieve consistently correct exposures in-camera and are a more accurate method of assessing exposure than looking at images you’ve taken on the LCD monitor.
With its ability to generate nearly perfect images, a digital camera can be fantastic and flexible tool. However, understanding a digital camera can take time. Novice users will often limit themselves to the typical “pose-and-click” brand of photography used by amateurs for decades. This is, unfortunately, a great injustice to a camera that can be put to better use.
Many people however are stuck in “automatic” mode (or rather their cameras are). Armed with a little knowledge about your digital camera (and some practice) your photos can go from good to outstanding. Following are some tips to help you get started.
The nature of digital photography means that digital cameras have to store images differently to traditional cameras due to the physical absence of film. Instead of using rolls of film, which are then processed and developed to produce a photograph, digital cameras store their images on memory cards.
Good camera bags are crucial to the amateur and professional photographers alike. You’ve just spent time deciding on which digital camera to buy, now all you need to do is to find a suitable bag to protect your camera and your equipment.
Digital photographs are the result of light hitting the image sensor. Too much light and the photograph will be washed out. Too little light and the photograph will be too dark. The shutter determines how much light enters the camera, and there are two settings which are related to the shutter — aperture and shutter speed.
When you are shooting a group of people, you should always make sure to have the necessary depth of field so that important details do not fall out of focus. This is not trivial to achieve. Therefore, you must pay particular attention when using telephoto lenses and when shooting particularly close to your subject, as both cases lead to a reduced depth of field. The same holds true for wide apertures, too.
Composition is the combining of distinct parts or elements to form a whole. In photography that thought is very important in taking good pictures. The following guidelines are just to be thought about though, it is not necessary to try to use them with every picture you take or there wouldn’t be any creativity in your work.
Mastering color is an essential ability to any good photographer. To achieve proficiency, a basic knowledge of primary colors and complementary colors is required. We will define these fundamental concepts and teach how to exploit them in order to take better photographs.
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