Photography Tips & Tutorials7169 articles

We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.

ASA – ISO Ambient Light Rule

ASA – ISO Ambient Light Rule

If you have been taking photographs for years or just now starting there is one quick rule of thumb that is key to understanding how cameras work. I call it the Ambient Light Rule.

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What Are Architectural Landscape Photos?

What Are Architectural Landscape Photos?

There aren’t many but some of us take an interest in architectural landscape photos. With a view to giving some insight on this subject I have created this article to give a basic understanding and supply some facts about its origins.

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Architecture Photography

Architecture Photography

Technically, buildings can be very demanding to photograph, but the key in solving this and attaining good images is understanding image distortion and finding the best time to capture the building at its most glamorous moment.

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Autumn Brilliance: Photographing Autumn’s Light and Color

Autumn Brilliance: Photographing Autumn’s Light and Color

Autumn is my favorite time for taking pictures. The color in autumn images is brilliant and warm. Most people think of beautiful New England landscapes when they think of peak leaf peeping season.

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Avoiding Pitfalls When Taking High Quality Digital Photos

Avoiding Pitfalls When Taking High Quality Digital Photos

There are many things that can go wrong when taking digital photos. Many of those things could be easily avoided if only the photographer was aware of them. Here is a list of things that can go wrong and some simple ways to avoid them.

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The Art Of Backlighting

The Art Of Backlighting

Contrary to popular belief stunning photographs can be taken when shooting into the light. Whilst this may contradict advice given to beginners to always shoot with the light coming from behind the camera.

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How To Take Better Travel Photographs

How To Take Better Travel Photographs

Most travelers like to bring home pictures to remember their trip. If you’re looking for a way to turn so-so snapshots to fabulous photos, take a moment to review these tips.

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Popularity of Black and White Photography

Popularity of Black and White Photography

Black and White photography has something color does not. It reproduces natural world using all possible shades of gray, all the way from white to black. Whenever I look at a Black and White photo, especially one which I have not ever seen before, I immediately begin to process the image, and paint the scene in my mind.

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How To Become A Digital Photography Pro

How To Become A Digital Photography Pro

Being a professional digital photographer is a dream many people have but most lack the ambition to do it. Still, you want to take the best digital pictures you can without forking over the cost of a photography degree. So, here are some tips to help you find the best digital photographer in you.

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Quick Guide to Taking Better Photos

Quick Guide to Taking Better Photos

In my business I see a lot of snapshots taken by ordinary people. They aren’t professional photographers. The “Average Joe” is usually just trying to record a moment or subject, not win a prize in a photo contest for technical excellence. However, here is something very important to remember before taking that spare-of-the-moment picture. You won’t be able to take that exact image again.

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