Photography Tips & Tutorials7171 articles

We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.

Complete Macro Photography Tutorial

Complete Macro Photography Tutorial

Macro photography is a unique type of photography that involves capturing extremely close-up images of small objects. In this video tutorial, Adam Karnacz of First Man Photography takes us through the complete guide to macro photography: Gear: The first thing you’ll need for macro photography is a camera. A macro lens is the best option, […]

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New: Black & White Photo Editing In-depth Course

New: Black & White Photo Editing In-depth Course

Creating great-looking B&W images is about more than just removing color via “desaturate”, or moving a few sliders up and down with a black and white adjustment layer. Landscape photographer Steve Arnold created this course to help photographers master the critical concepts. We were able to arrange an exclusive 40% discount for our readers today […]

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Portrait Photography: 5 Beginner Mistakes to Avoid

Portrait Photography: 5 Beginner Mistakes to Avoid

Starting something new is always the hardest part. Chances are you’ll feel lost most of the time. The worst part is when you keep repeating the same mistakes and you have no one to correct you. In photography, this can severely impact your attitude and budding career before it even takes off. If you’re someone […]

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Light Painting Words Photography Tutorial

Light Painting Words Photography Tutorial

Today’s tutorial kindly comes to us from Gim Liu, author of the new book After Dark Photography (readers outside the US can also get the book here). In this tutorial you will learn how to create a photo whereby words are painted with light. In short, you will be using the light of a torch […]

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Beauty Lighting Tutorial in a Home Photo Studio

Beauty Lighting Tutorial in a Home Photo Studio

Beginner photographers often spend much of their time fumbling around with lights. Although lighting is a fundamental part of the photographic equation, it can take quite some time to truly understand the basics of how different qualities and quantities of light impact a subject. What many beginners don’t realize is that getting the right lighting […]

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12 Ways to Improve Your Digital Landscape Photography

12 Ways to Improve Your Digital Landscape Photography

Number One: If you have read any of my previous photography guides then you probably know that I strongly recommend shooting in RAW format. Why is this so important? The answer simply boils down to control. Shoot in Camera RAW Format When you set your digital camera to automatically convert your images to JPEGs, you […]

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Camera Lens Focus Tutorial

Camera Lens Focus Tutorial

Focus is critical in any kind of photo. You may be able to recover some details in post if you miscalculate your exposure. Or crop the image to adjust your composition. But if it’s out of focus, there’s no cure. So it’s crucial for every photographer to understand how focus works. Photographer Micael Widell explains […]

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Introduction to Reflections in Landscape Photography: 4 Easy Steps

Introduction to Reflections in Landscape Photography: 4 Easy Steps

When photographing reflections, you’re looking to capture the reflection of specific elements or to capture the ambiance of the scene by including reflections of color. Common elements to reflect in the scene are trees, animals, man-made structures, and clouds. Common elements to reflect color in the scene are clouds, sky, sunset and sunrise reds, oranges, […]

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Photography Sharpness Checklist

Photography Sharpness Checklist

Sharp photos are a goal for many photographers but can be a challenge, especially for beginners. In this video, professional nature and wildlife photographer Simon d’Entremont offers a checklist to help diagnose and solve sharpness issues: A photography sharpness checklist: Shooting in the best light – Direct sunlight or an external light source will give […]

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Portrait Photography Lighting: The 5 Classical Types

Portrait Photography Lighting: The 5 Classical Types

The options that a photographer has to light a person’s face and body are many. You may use different types of lights such as parabolic or diffused and you may position them in endless combinations. There are however, five basic set ups that photographers use over and over again, the Rembrandt, the split lighting, the […]

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