We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
For years we used film cameras and as a result most of us accumulated many paper prints made from such film. We can keep those paper prints albums as is or find ways to upgrade them into the new digital era.
So you’ve purchased a quality digital camera, learned how to use it, and are taking brilliant photos. Even if you have no desire to become a professional photographer, you can still earn a little bit of cash from your hobby by selling your picture as stock photos.
Setting the size of an image is something specific to digital cameras, it just didn’t exist on film cameras. One effect of changing the size of image your camera captures is that it also affects the size of the digital image file your camera stores on its memory card and therefore the number of pictures you can store on any given size of card.
Shutter speed is perhaps the most creative adjustment available to the digital photographer. It allows us to freeze action or use motion blur to create a variety of effects, and is expressed in seconds or fractions of seconds depending on the length of exposure.
So I recently decided to buy some new equipment for my camera — lenses specifically. It took me almost a full week to go through this, so I’ll share my learnings in attempts to make it a little easier on those of you in the same boat.
Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.” Although it seems unlikely that Mr. Ford had much time to do anything with photography, truth is truth, and it crosses all boundaries. If you want to become a great photographer, not just a weekend warrior, your dominant thoughts need […]
In most cameras you now see several “automatic settings”. These include: the green rectangle, the small child’s head, the mountain with a cloud, the small runner, a flower, and a person with a star over one shoulder.
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