We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
In most cameras you now see several “automatic settings”. These include: the green rectangle, the small child’s head, the mountain with a cloud, the small runner, a flower, and a person with a star over one shoulder.
Silhouettes are some of the most beautifully gentle types of digital photography you can do. They can offer us a commanding presence combined with such gentleness. A digital photography silhouette can work so well to emphasize a certain subjects form very well.
Proper lighting is all about balancing your surroundings with your intent. All it takes is a little know-how, ingenuity, and patience to take great pictures with lighting that showcases your subject and enhances the mood.
Its common problem when we first start learning digital photography. We realize that we must drill the technical stuff into our heads so we can improve, and what tends to happen is that we get caught up for a bit. We can forget that photography is artistic. And the artistic side of your digital photo needs perfect composition.
All a tripod actually does is to provide a stable platform for your camera allowing you to make long exposures without the risk of camera shake spoiling your picture. You could of course, just rest it somewhere but the tripod will allow you to lock your camera in virtually any position without the danger of it falling over.
Digital camera memory and batteries are often called digital camera accessories but both are quite necessary to use your digital camera. You should be careful not to overlook the memory or battery when buying a digital camera and both should be included in your budget.
Everybody knows to check how many mega pixels their new camera has. Although more mega pixels does not necessarily mean better photos most people understand why mega pixels are important. One characteristic of digital cameras that many ignore is the sensor size. Digital cameras capture digital photos. A digital photo is a collection of pixels. […]
I would recommend that you invest in camera cases. Without the aid of camera cases, you will miss a few great photographic moments. To that end, camera cases for your camera and all its accompanying paraphernalia is something that you should really think about getting.
Are you still using a film base camera? if you are than this article is for you. You probably know by now that you are becoming a minority as more and more people switch to digital cameras.
The three main files a digital camera uses to store its digital images are JPEG, TIFF, and RAW formats. We need to understand what these digital image formats are and their properties – only then will we be able to get a high quality photograph.
We are always looking for more interesting and insightful photography tips and techniques to share with our readers. We would love to publish an article by you if you are interested in writing for us. See what we are looking for and get in touch.