Photography Tips & Tutorials7166 articles

We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.

Keys to Portrait Lighting

Keys to Portrait Lighting

The photographer’s first task is to evaluate the facial features and decide which ones to emphasize and which ones to minimize. Long noses look best from a low angle for instance, and double chins respond well to a high camera angle, but this article will be aimed at the effects of lighting on the human face.

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Portraits: Prepare First

Portraits: Prepare First

The golden rule when taking pictures of people is to always think about what you are doing before you press the shutter release. What do you hope to achieve?

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10 Tips to Shoot Better Pictures with your Digital Camera

10 Tips to Shoot Better Pictures with your Digital Camera

With few simple tips it is possible to take more advantage of your own equipment and increase the value of your own pictures.

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Keeping it Low Key

Keeping it Low Key

You have all heard of white on white and it certainly has its place. But black on black has its moods, too. A low key photograph evokes mystery, night and secrets. Silhouette and shape prevail over color and light. In order to separate the subject from the background, an edge light is in order. Objects […]

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Street Photography – An Introduction for Non-Photographers

Street Photography – An Introduction for Non-Photographers

Alternatively it is refered to as no rules photography. The plethera of equipment (tripods, lenses, filters, lights etc etc) associated with “serious” photography is left at home, or better still in the camera store.

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From Film To Digital Photography Technique

From Film To Digital Photography Technique

Bigger isn’t always better: having more pixels doesn’t always translate into better images, as the size and quality of the pixels are also important.

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How to Use a Wide Angle Lens

How to Use a Wide Angle Lens

One of the most interesting features of wide-angle lens is the capability to stretch perspective. What do I mean by that? I mean that when you look through a wide-angle lens, it seems that the distance between objects has extended.

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The Beauty of Winter Photography

The Beauty of Winter Photography

Gorgeous landscapes, early morning fog lifting off the frozen lake, the glistening icicles on the tree branches. Photography opportunities meet you at every corner.

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How a Prime Lens Can Improve Your Photography

How a Prime Lens Can Improve Your Photography

A prime lens is a lens for a Single Lens Reflex (SLR) camera with a fixed focal length. This is a good start, but let’s simplify further.

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Ten Tips for Taking Great Digital Photographs

Ten Tips for Taking Great Digital Photographs

Shooting great digital photographs is getting easier all of the time with the great improvement being made in the area of photographic technology. However, the most important aspect of creating great photographs is still the photographer.

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