Photography Tips & Tutorials7166 articles

We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.

Aperture Priority Will Determine How Much Light is Let Into the Camera

Aperture Priority Will Determine How Much Light is Let Into the Camera

The size of the aperture at the time of taking the photograph determines how much light is let into the camera. This in turn, along with the shutter will determine how well-lit your photograph is.

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Improve Your Digital Photography Using Depth of Field (DOF)

Improve Your Digital Photography Using Depth of Field (DOF)

The term depth of field refers to how much of your picture is in sharp focus. For example, in portrait shots you will notice that the background is often blurred and soft looking, while the subject is clear and sharp. Pictures like this have a shallow depth of field.

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Interior Photography: How to Get Good Results With an Everyday Digital Camera and No Lights

Interior Photography: How to Get Good Results With an Everyday Digital Camera and No Lights

Good pictures of interiors are a must if you want to make a good impression, but it is notoriously difficult to get good results with a consumer camera. In my work photographing villas for holiday rentals I have worked out some short cuts to getting good results with minimal and cheap equipment and at great speed.

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Artistic Digital Photography – Bringing Pixels Alive

Artistic Digital Photography – Bringing Pixels Alive

For years, photography aficionados have attempted to rebuff the ever growing influx of the digital age. Even today, many who consider themselves true photographers prefer manual cameras with traditional film.

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Artistic Considerations for Better Photos

Artistic Considerations for Better Photos

Have you ever wondered how some serious consumers or photography enthusiasts have the ‘eye’ or the ability to properly frame a photograph with great colors? This person might be considered ‘artsy’ or having an artistic angle to his or her personality.

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Scenes that Will Fail Your Digital Camera Auto Focus

Scenes that Will Fail Your Digital Camera Auto Focus

Digital cameras include sophisticated mechanisms that can automatically figure out the perfect focus for the scene that you are photographing. However even the most sophisticated digital camera can be fooled by scenes that are hard to focus on.

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Photography – Shooting Autumn Leaves

Photography – Shooting Autumn Leaves

Leaves are a very popular subject when it comes to autumnal photography due to their great variation in color at this time of year. If you are creative these subjects can offer great photographic potential. Here are 5 quick tips to make sure you make the most of the autumn weather.

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Causes Of Blurry Photos And How To Correct It

Causes Of Blurry Photos And How To Correct It

Camera shake is the most common cause of blurry photos. The camera will select a slow shutter speed in low light situations where you’re not using flash.

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5 Ways to Avoid the Worst Digital Photography Mistakes

5 Ways to Avoid the Worst Digital Photography Mistakes

It is not uncommon for beginners to make digital photography mistakes when they first venture into this hobby. I used to make those awful photography mistakes and my photos were terrible!

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How to Take Better Digital Photos 101

How to Take Better Digital Photos 101

This article contains some great pointers to help you improve your photographs when using a digital camera so that you will get sharper and clearer photographs, capture truer colors and take a greater variety of quality photographs.

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