We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
I’ve written this article so that you are clear about the importance of power in relation to flash. When I was just starting out, I asked a wedding photographer I knew what sort of flash I should buy. His answer? “The most powerful one you can afford”.
The purpose of filters in a camera is fundamentally the same as filters in other tools: trapping dirt or large, undesirable particles. Camera filters, though, help to produce many desirable effects and enhanced looks in photographs. Professional photographers usually have more than one filter packed together with their large lenses. Even for amateurs, it is […]
A tripod is an essential part of an arsenal carried by any Travel and Nature photographer. You already know that for sharpest images you need to use a tripod.
Remember all digital camera lenses are made of glass. The clarity and sharpness you get in your digital photos relies heavily on the surface of that glass to be squeaky clean. Nothing must get onto the lens if you can help it.
Graphic designers, photographers, publishers and computer users at large: they all rely on their digital equipment being capable of rendering colours right. But the sad truth is your colours will differ depending on the output device. A monitor’s red is not the same as an inkjet printer’s red.
Composition and cropping are very basic digital photography tools that you can use hand-in-hand to produce stunning results. First you use composition to arrange the main elements of your photo in a pleasing manner. Then you use cropping to fine-tune the image by removing unwanted elements and further adjusting the composition.
When you press your eye to the viewfinder of your camera, a blank canvas is placed before you. Similar to more traditional artists, you can paint a vertical shot or a horizontal shot. That’s your first decision in basic composition.
Image sharpness can mean different things to different people. For the purposes of this article, sharpness is the crispness of a given photograph. It’s the clarity of detail in a photo, and it’s made of resolution and acuteness.
Just as music builds mood, colors can also help create mood. A lot has been written on what each color denotes, what emotions it evokes. Colors also have an impact on one’s health.
Your lens is an essential element to good photographs. It’s not just your camera. People spend thousands of dollars on a good camera and neglect the lens.
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