Photography Tips & Tutorials7166 articles

We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.

Zeroing in on Flash

Zeroing in on Flash

Professional photographers rely on the flash on their camera to capture the action at a wedding or other social event. They are probably not aware of the effect of their flash on the faces of their subject. Here is an analysis of the effect of different distances between the flash head and the lens.

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Getting Good Picture Results

Getting Good Picture Results

Before you can even jump to tinkering with digital photography techniques, it would be good to learn basic composition skills to produce good-looking photographs. By composition, we mean that the elements in the captured image are interacting with each other in harmonious relationship.

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Outdoor Group Portraits

Outdoor Group Portraits

What makes a great picture of people? Ninety percent of its quality lies in the facial expression, the rest is composition, lighting, and the natural presentation of body language.

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Setting Up Group Portraits

Setting Up Group Portraits

“We don’t want any posed pictures” is a common admonishment from young people these days. What they mean is that they want to appear natural and relaxed in their portrait of the family. A certain amount of posing is a necessary evil in order to accomplish what they want.

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Hyperfocal Focusing: What Is It And Why Should You Use It?

Hyperfocal Focusing: What Is It And Why Should You Use It?

Hyperfocal focusing is based on the fact that depth of field typically extends 2/3 behind the point focused on and 1/3 in front, but if you focus on infinity, the depth of field behind is completely wasted.

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The Orphan Child Called ISO

The Orphan Child Called ISO

Well, I’m here today to try to illustrate the benefits of ISO. It is a prominent feature on all of the latest digital cameras, and is something that you should be aware of when you’re trying to take photos in available light.

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Take Beautiful Landscape and Nature Photos

Take Beautiful Landscape and Nature Photos

First thing that you must know is that to get really great landscape and nature shots you really need an SLR with appropriate film for the job, but these tips will help you even if you are using a point and shoot.

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Light is Life!

Light is Life!

Understanding natural light is a “must” for good landscape images. The job of a landscape photographer is to record a scene. Yet, photographers often fail to capture what it felt like to be actually at a scene.

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Proper Use of Shadows and Lighting

Proper Use of Shadows and Lighting

Light creates shadow and shadow in return, enhances the appearance of the subject. The interaction of the two is fascinating. Light can make the subject feisty or dull while shadows can make it mysterious or terrifying.

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Low Light and Night Photography

Low Light and Night Photography

As the light fades, do thoughts of photography wane also? If that’s the way you think then read on as we will be showing you that low light photography is awash with opportunities!

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