We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
Are you one of those photographers who complete their entire editing process within Lightroom? Or do you find yourself exporting your images from Lightroom to Photoshop before you’re happy with your edits? Lightroom is definitely worth learning; however, Photoshop is better at many tasks. This is exactly why photographer Mark Denney finds himself bouncing between […]
Having been a wedding photographer in Sydney for a few years, I’m continually amazed at how much my photography is dependent on weather conditions. What I have found more surprising, however, is how much this has driven me to study weather patterns—clouds, in particular. In a sense, a good photographer is also a good meteorologist. […]
Dappled lighting often creates an interesting contrast between highlights and shadows, and when properly incorporated into a photograph, can serve as a creative enhancement. However, many beginning photographers are taught to avoid dappled light because of the complications it can sometimes create. Fortunately, this does not have to be the case. Though the scattering of […]
In this video, photographer Steve Perry from Backcountry Gallery shares five tips for getting more out of subject detection in mirrorless cameras. Subject detection is a refinement of the AF (autofocus) area that typically targets the subject itself, the subject’s face, or the subject’s eyes: 1. Use recognizable subjects. In order for subject detection to […]
Today’s article kindly comes to us from Otto Schulze and James Christianson, named best wedding photographers in the world by Harpers Bazaar. They have just created a new course designed to help driven wedding photographers elevate their wedding business if you want to check it out or grab the free chapter (enrollment opening soon). There’s […]
Double exposure is a creative photography technique wherein two different exposures are superimposed on the same frame. In analogue photography, you can achieve this by exposing the same frame multiple times. In digital photography, you can accomplish this either in-camera or by using software like Photoshop. This is an interesting creative exercise that you can […]
When trekking on an outdoor adventure with camera in tow, many people’s first instinct is to stick to their widest angle lens like glue in order to fit the most of their surroundings into their images. While wide angle lenses do an excellent job of capturing expansive landscapes, many photographers who strictly abide to their […]
Whether you’re new to Lightroom or have been using it for years there are certain things you need to know in order to ensure that everything runs as smoothly and efficiently as possible. Do these properly and you can look forward to many years of hassle-free and effective Lightroom use. Let’s start with what is […]
Admit it, images of products look pretty cool when shot underwater. The splash of water along with the bubbles oozing out of the products add life to an otherwise boring image. However, if you need to set a camera up underwater as well, then it becomes a really challenging and an expensive ordeal. It takes […]
How do we capture images that are really our images and turn them into a fascinating travel show? Plan your travel slideshow in advance. Have a list of subjects that you can capture to use as ingredients or building blocks—not your standard travel images. A list helps you to see so much more on your […]
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