We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
Every family needs a portrait, and not everyone wants the same traditional group photo. These days, people are after a more human touch. And many families are after fun and wacky ideas to make their photo session unique. Location Finding the right location can completely change your photo for the better. The background can add […]
Sharpness is a necessity when it comes to professional photography. However, it’s not a given, especially at a closer range to a subject or when using a wider aperture. A significant amount of blur and out-of-focus area can spoil an image — but focus stacking can help! Pro landscape photographer Mark Denney is here to […]
Of all the types of photography that I am involved with, I seem to get more questions about food photography than just about everything else combined. I appreciate that not everyone who drives a car wants to know how the engine works so—with that principle in mind—I have prepared this checklist that should yield more […]
The world around us is diverse and teeming with once-in-a-lifetime views. Landscape photographers aim to capture those moments — be they a lofty, mist-shrouded mountain or photo-bombing bovines. Talented landscape photographer Charlie Waite captures the extraordinary in the ordinary. His photographs are a masterclass in composition, depth, and emotion. One of his secrets is his […]
I cannot emphasize how important it is to give your subject the place of importance in an image. Its correct placement and the removal of any competition only makes the photo more effective. Besides creating photographs that are truly memorable it gives an overall quality to your photos. Let’s try something in order to illustrate […]
Astrophotography is indeed a really interesting genre of photography. Whether you’re a professional or a beginner, good astrophotos will truly leave you mesmerized. And if you’re a beginner photographer, what better way to start photographing celestial bodies than with the moon. It’s relatively close, appears pretty big, and is quite bright. These characteristics make photographing […]
The word bokeh, which has been taken from the Japanese dictionary, means blur or out of focus. But the word assumes a much larger definition when used in the context of photography. Suddenly blur is good and background blur is ‘bokehlicious’. But how do you capture bokeh? How do you make your background (and/or foreground) […]
Improving your photography is not something that can be achieved overnight. Like other genres of art, it requires persistence and hard work. Investing a lot in expensive gear and lighting alone will not make you take a leap in photography either. If you pay attention to the simple details, and learn some essential tricks of […]
ISO should be one of the easiest aspects of digital photography to master, but many beginners in photography still have a hard time understanding this fundamental camera setting. I suspect this is because of the way it is being taught. You see, ISO started out as a property of film, and it was much easier […]
Your long lens is a versatile tool. That is, if you know how to get the most out of it. When we talk about a long lens we usually talk about wildlife and birding and those sort of things. But did you know you can also shoot things that are much closer to you? Butterflies, for […]
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