We’ve compiled thousands of photography tips for photographers of all sorts, from beginners to pros. Follow us for new tips every day, all from the world’s leading photography experts.
Capturing a subject requires mastery of various camera settings — including ISO. However, adjusting this setting can come with its pitfalls, especially at the higher end of the spectrum. Higher ISOs result in more exposure but can also pack unwanted noise. In his latest tutorial, Scott Walker shares his tips on how to easily and […]
In nature photography, exposure blending and focus stacking can both be challenging on their own. But what if you’re in a situation where you need to do both? It definitely sounds daunting, but the reality is far from it. In today’s informative video, landscape photographer Mike Perea dives into his easy process of photographing and […]
Wedding photography is one of the most exciting and rewarding aspects of photographing a wedding. Wedding portraits are an important part of any wedding, and the best way to capture the essence of a couple’s special day is through photographs that show emotions. To achieve this, you not only need to have great lighting, good […]
Aperture plays a key role in photography. Besides helping you decide on how bright or dark you want your photos to be, the aperture also helps you to make creative decisions. And it does so by controlling the depth of field. It is therefore pivotal that you fully understand what aperture to use and what […]
Everyone loves to take photos when they travel. It’s a way to maintain the memories, to share experiences with our friends and families, and, quite simply, a way to prove “I was there.” But let’s face it—not everyone is a great photographer. At one point or another, we’ve all sat through a tedious slide show […]
Flash photography is one area in which not all photographers may be fully proficient. Flash can be tricky to use, often resulting in over-exposed images that look amateur. Something you should hide away in a bottom drawer, certainly not publish in a glossy or show in a gallery! Love it or hate it, mastering your […]
In photo editing news, the fifth Extension coming to the Luminar Neo editing platform is Focus Stacking, a handy tool for achieving a deep depth of field in a photo by merging (or stacking) up to 100 source images. Now, creating photos that are in focus throughout becomes much easier, whether you’re shooting macro photography, […]
Whether you’re a professional landscape and nature photographer or you’re just taking pictures of your family camping trip, you have to think about your environment to get the perfect shot. This is especially true when you’re shooting long exposures at night, which is a really great way to capture the camping atmosphere. Watch as Daniel Norton […]
This article is based on concepts from the Fundamental Photo Editing Guide which is on sale today if you want to dig deeper for further training. There’s been a lot of debate online regarding the Contrast adjustment versus the Clarity adjustment that appears within most digital photo-editing software products. Both seem to affect the contrast […]
Many photographers, especially those who are just starting out, have one common misconception. They believe that a better camera results in better images. In reality this is not the case at all. Of course the newer cameras have better features that can make the work easier. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that they take better […]
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