Portrait Photography768 articles

Make your subjects look their best with our professional portrait photography tips, covering lighting setups, location scouting and tips for working with models.

20 Unbelievable Portraits of People with Real Animals

20 Unbelievable Portraits of People with Real Animals

Have you ever dreamed of using real animals in your images? Katerina Plotnikova is a photographer from Moscow who is famous for her surrealistic portraits that incorporate a variety of animals. She pushes the limits of possibility to create these unique combinations of both reality and surrealism: However, the twist is that none of Plotnikova’s images […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Tornado Photobombs Portrait of Newlywed Couple

Interesting Photo of the Day: Tornado Photobombs Portrait of Newlywed Couple

Amazing photographs are often captured with a combination of skill and luck—and on July 5, luck paid a rather dramatic visit to photographer Colleen Niska‘s wedding shoot. While photographing a newly married couple just outside of Saskatoon, Canada, one of Niska’s clients spotted a funnel cloud off in the distance. To Niska’s delight, the couple wanted to […]

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12 Impossible Self-Portraits That Will Blow Your Mind

12 Impossible Self-Portraits That Will Blow Your Mind

Imagine what your dreams would look like if you could photograph them. The mind has a unique, sometimes scary, often odd way of taking everyday life and turning into abstract dream sequences. Well, one artist has the amazing talent of consciously manipulating those dream sequences into surreal, abstract photo-manipulated works of art: Photographer and Photoshop magician […]

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How to Position a Beauty Dish for Flattering Portraits

How to Position a Beauty Dish for Flattering Portraits

Beauty dishes are widely used modifiers in portrait photography and can help to create a number of key “beauty effects.” Rather than diffusing the light like a soft box, a beauty dish focuses harder light in the center, while falling off around the edges, creating a concentrated pool of light that can both soften skin […]

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Outdoor Portrait Photography: How to Use Speed Lights to Gain F-stops

Outdoor Portrait Photography: How to Use Speed Lights to Gain F-stops

Shooting portraits outdoors can come with its own set of challenges, especially when you want depth of field at the same time as a well-lit portrait. This is when using speed lights to gain those precious f-stops can make all the difference. Joe McNally explains how in the video below: McNally’s goal was to use […]

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Tips for Creating Portrait Sequences with Photoshop

Tips for Creating Portrait Sequences with Photoshop

When it comes to studio lighting, there are numerous options and preferences. Portrait photography alone comes with a wide array of lighting techniques and possibilities, but some of them aren’t always an option, especially if you’re working in a small home studio. With the help of a young model, photographer Gavin Hoey put together this fun, youthful […]

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Profitable Advice From a Professional Wedding and Portrait Photographer

Profitable Advice From a Professional Wedding and Portrait Photographer

Graham Monro loves his job. He loves photographing people and capturing their personality while building relationships with his clients. As a professional wedding and portrait photographer, Graham Monro, has years of experience under his belt and his talent and passion for the job shows vividly in his work. In the short clip, Monro shares some […]

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Powerful Advice From Women in Portrait Photography

Powerful Advice From Women in Portrait Photography

In what has historically been a male-dominated profession, two female photographers want to sit down and talk about what drives them as photographers. They share the insights they have gained throughout their years working their way to the top right alongside the men. Join host Marc Silber as he talks photography with Bambi Cantrell and […]

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How to Improve Your Portraits By Using the Right Camera Height

How to Improve Your Portraits By Using the Right Camera Height

When composing a portrait, beginning photographers commonly make the mistake of shooting their subject at eye level in most—if not all—situations. In the following video, Doug Gordon at Adorama explains how varying camera angle and camera height affects the quality and composition of a portrait: Gordon notes that many photographers use the same camera height […]

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Lighting for Studio Portraiture

Lighting for Studio Portraiture

What makes a stunning portrait? Is it the individual being photographed? Is it the color? Perhaps it’s a good photographic lens. In fact, there are lots of factors that go into whether or not a portrait turns out well. Nevertheless, there is one significant ingredient to success: lighting. Lighting, especially in portrait photography, helps to […]

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