Sunset Photography101 articles

Interesting Photo of the Day: Sunset Through Water

Interesting Photo of the Day: Sunset Through Water

Here’s a new Instagram filter idea for you: water droplets tinting only part of the image. That’s allegedly what happened to one photographer when a water droplet splattered on her camera lens, right at the moment she snapped this photo of a sunset in Hawaii:

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Monaco Sunset Over the Grand Prix

Interesting Photo of the Day: Monaco Sunset Over the Grand Prix

Monaco is one of the world’s most elusive countries: a rich, tiny city-state nestled amid the coast of France. It’s also known to be one of the most beautiful countries in the world. If you needed evidence, here it is: The image shows a slim sunset on the Monaco coast during the Grand Prix racing tournament, […]

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Portrait Photography Lighting at Sunset

Portrait Photography Lighting at Sunset

Using the bright setting sun as a backlight can be intimidating for some photographers when shooting portraits outdoors, but it’s not impossible to get some great shots out of it. Check out the video below for some useful tricks and tips on shooting portraits at sunset, including how to use a xenon flashlight to create a warm, complementary […]

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Sunset & Sunrise Photography Guide

Sunset & Sunrise Photography Guide

As the sun nears the horizon – either at sunset or at sunrise – the light begins to dramatically transform the landscape. To capture this kind of light requires a specialized workflow to overcome the limitations of your camera. That is what this eBook is for – how to successfully translate what your eyes see […]

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World’s First Sunset Hyperlapse from an Airplane

World’s First Sunset Hyperlapse from an Airplane

Matthew Vandeputte, a film editor and photographer based in Sydney, Ausralia who specializes in timelapse and hyperlapse photography, recently released a hyperlapse video of a fiery sunset above thick cloud cover that he made on an airplane. The video, shown below, is certainly lovely, but that’s not what has people talking—it’s that Vandeputte claims to be the first […]

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Having a “Star” for Better Sunset Photography

Having a “Star” for Better Sunset Photography

In today’s landscape photography photo tip, we will further our investigation into getting better sunset photos. We’ve discussed how to meter the sky to establish our starting exposure, and then we discussed how to tweak the exposure to get more intense colors. Now let’s talk about composition. In previous articles, I’ve discussed making something in […]

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Lighting an Airplane at Sunset for a Photography Session

Lighting an Airplane at Sunset for a Photography Session

Most studio photography is done on relatively small scales. A person or an object is lit, usually with between one and three lights that cover the breadth of the subject. Shooting something large is an entirely different story. There isn’t a soft box large enough to cover the size of legendary photographer Joe McNally’s (unpublished) […]

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Sunset Portraits: Using Strobes for Balance

Sunset Portraits: Using Strobes for Balance

In this tutorial, photographer Jay P. Morgan demonstrates how to balance strobe lighting with the ambient lighting created by a sunset to compose a striking portrait. Taking advantage of both natural and artificial lighting, Morgan starts by setting his background exposure, adds a key light on his subject, adds a strobe light to illuminate a prop in the background, and lastly a light panel to reflect light back onto his subject’s face.

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Sunset and Sunrise Photography Tips

Sunset and Sunrise Photography Tips

Photographing sunsets and sunrises can produce some of the most beautiful images you will take. Surprisingly, these wonderful scenes are not that difficult to photograph. This article will give you a few tips to make your sunset and sunrise images the best they can be. The best places to take the pictures would be beaches, plains, deserts, or anywhere there is less obstruction of the views. However, you can get great sunset and sunrise pictures anywhere if you are creative and know a little about picture composition.

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How to Photograph Sunsets

How to Photograph Sunsets

Sunsets: there never was a more evocative subject, and there never was a subject that was more fraught with things that could go wrong. Get it right, though, and you’ll create an image that can stir the soul.

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