Sunset Photography101 articles

How to Use Artificial Lighting for Sunset Photography

How to Use Artificial Lighting for Sunset Photography

Sometimes you want to shoot a sunset. Other times you want to use the sunset light on your subjects. It’s hard to get both—you need an artificial rig facing the sunset, and you need to balance your levels so the artificial light doesn’t drown out the beautiful sunset colors behind. That’s where the RFi Speedlight Speedring can […]

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How to Photograph a Truck Portrait at Sunset

How to Photograph a Truck Portrait at Sunset

Using the sunset to your benefit creates a warm, soft glow on your portrait subjects. Does it work for photographing vehicles? The Slanted Lens shows how to use the sunset to create a stunning portrait with a truck. In this case, the sun sets behind a mountain near Los Angeles, but the advice given here still works with […]

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How to Create a Sunset Lighting Effect While Taking Photos Indoors

How to Create a Sunset Lighting Effect While Taking Photos Indoors

Indoor-sunset themed photo shoots are among the easiest and hottest trends you can experiment with to create cool, sexy and flattering photos to add to your portfolio. All you’re going to need in order to achieve this look are a back light, which should consist of a single bare bulb in a strobe, and a […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Sunset Over Grand Teton National Park

Interesting Photo of the Day: Sunset Over Grand Teton National Park

There is truly no limit to the beauty of Mother Nature. In this image, the sunset’s ebbing glow engulfs the the mountain range of Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming: This particular vantage point of the Snake River and the Teton Range has been popular with photographers for over half a century—Ansel Adams photographed this […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Triumphant Ant at Sunset

Interesting Photo of the Day: Triumphant Ant at Sunset

For the past decade, Russian photographer Andrey Pavlov has dedicated his life to capturing a series of photos titled “Ant Tales.” Each image captures an ant (or ants) in countless human-like situations. While this amazing photo may appear to be Photoshopped, the ant is alive. Pavlov watched and waited for over 230 days to capture […]

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Aspects of Great Sunset Photography

Aspects of Great Sunset Photography

Whether you’re looking out your window, taking a stroll along the beach, or just visiting a far away place, a beautiful sunset can be captured anywhere. However, to shoot the perfect image you need to remember three important things: color, composition, and exposure. To help understand how these three aspects will aid in your photography, […]

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How to Extend Your Sunset Shooting With Strobe Lighting

How to Extend Your Sunset Shooting With Strobe Lighting

Most of us know that the golden hour is one of the best times for outdoor photography, but what happens when the light fades just a little too much? Do we call it a day? Not according to Jay P. Morgan. Just bring along a Speedlite or two and a Pocket Wizard, and you’ll find your window […]

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How to Take Better Photos at Sunset

How to Take Better Photos at Sunset

Most beginning photographers deal with darkly lit sunsets in the same way: toss open the aperture and try to balance all the light onscreen, from the darkest shadows to the sunlit sky. But, as Mark Wallace point out, that’s not really the best way to do it. Watch what he does instead: The result of what most […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Sunset Refraction

Interesting Photo of the Day: Sunset Refraction

Digitally manipulated images get a lot of heat across the internet, but does that mean they are any less artistic or awesome? In the case of the photo below, which was created with an app called PIP Camera, the image is still a creative piece of art that has inspired other photographers to try their […]

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Amazing Sunset Photography

Amazing Sunset Photography

Have you ever been frustrated at how your sunset turned out? Have you seen an amazing sunset, photographed it and then when you got home were disappointed in the final images – that looked nothing like the impressive sunset you just witnessed? If you have ever experienced these common setbacks, this self-paced course was made for […]

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