Time-lapse Photography312 articles

Time-lapse photography might seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be a challenge. With the right gear and the right photography advice, you can master it in no time.

Amman, Jordan: Time-lapse Photography of a City in Motion

Amman, Jordan: Time-lapse Photography of a City in Motion

Many time-lapse photographers are now landing contracts with tourism boards of various cities or countries. This project was commissioned by the Jordan Tourism Board. Amman, Jordan is a capital city that is bustling with activity and bursting with culture. In the following timelapse video, Joerg Niggli, was able to capture it’s essence during a 12-day filming period earlier this summer.

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Explore the Amazing City of Manhattan Via Time-lapse

Explore the Amazing City of Manhattan Via Time-lapse

Take the Big Apple, one of the world’s most exciting cities, add one dedicated photographer by the name of Cameron Michael and introduce a hefty, 120 pounds of equipment. The result is this stunning time-lapse movie of one of the world’s most iconic and recognizable locations. Shooting night, day and all hours between, Michael’s film, not only deals with the well known, well travelled parts of New York but also delves a little into the life of the city and it’s inhabitants, revealing everything from a mass fitness class in a park to the hustle and bustle.

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Time-lapse Photography: The Amazing Work of Terje Sorgjerd

Time-lapse Photography: The Amazing Work of Terje Sorgjerd

One of the most popular and talented time-lapse photographers in the world is Terje Sorgjerd. He has released four videos to the public shown below; all of which except the newest release have received millions of views. His work has been featured on most of the largest media outlets including CNN, NBC, Reuters, Discovery Channel, National Geographic, The Wall Street Journal and most recently as a moving background on the Bing search engine. Time-lapse photography is a technique involving the capture of a series of photos and showing the rapid passing of time.

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Earthlapse: Timelapse Photography from Space

Earthlapse: Timelapse Photography from Space

It seems like timelapse videos made from footage collected on the International Space Station are popping up left and right these days. Knate Myers decided to try his hand at making one and his results are one of my favorites thus far. All of the photographs used to make this timelapse were taken on a Nikon D3 and are available as public domain via the NASA website. Myers timelapse focus on footage taken at night and includes some phenomenal images of the Milky Way.

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China Revealed – A Timelapse Film of a Mysterious Country

China Revealed – A Timelapse Film of a Mysterious Country

Switch on the TV news these days and almost certainly one of the items will be about China. The rapid economic growth of this ancient country both inspires and captivates us, yet to most it remains a mysterious and mythical place. This stunning timelapse video by Ryan Edond chronicles, his personal feelings of the place and takes us on a journey from Hong Kong to Beijing with a number of stops in-between.

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Timelapse of 30 Days & 30 Nights in Queenstown, New Zealand

Timelapse of 30 Days & 30 Nights in Queenstown, New Zealand

Any Lord of The Rings fan can tell you that New Zealand is one of earths visually stunning treasures. The dramatic landscapes and climbing terrain are perfect backdrops to any photograph. When photographer, Trey Ratcliff, decided to make the move to the Queenstown, he took the opportunity to get to know his new home from behind the camera. This time-lapse is made up of tens of thousands of photographs he took over the course of 30 days.

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Timelapse of Earth Made From NASA’s ISS Photos

Timelapse of Earth Made From NASA’s ISS Photos

Tomislav Safundžić put together a visually stunning timelapse from a rather unusual point of view–space. The images, which Safundžić credits to the Image Science & Analysis Laboratory at NASA’s Johnson Space Center, take viewers on an out of this world journey through space revealing what the sunrise, sunset, and Aurora Borealis looks like as the shuttle orbits around planet earth.

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Ocean Sky Time-lapse Photography at Night

Ocean Sky Time-lapse Photography at Night

Inspired by taking a long exposure night sky shot at a star gazing party in 2009, photographer Alex Cherney set himself a project. To combine two of his photographic passions namely ocean and night sky into one stunning time lapse sequence. Alex is a hobbyist astronomer whose first foray into the heavens began in 2007. From there he bought ever-larger telescopes and joined a local astronomy club. It was here, at the 2009 star gazing party, that he borrowed a tripod and first pointed his DSLR towards the heavens realizing the full potential of digital photography in the field of astronomy.

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See Chicago from a Boat with Time-lapse Photography

See Chicago from a Boat with Time-lapse Photography

If you ever wanted to take a tour of Chicago, here’s your chance to do so without having to leave the comforts of your own home. Phillip Bloom has made a timelapse video of the Windy City using his Canon 60D, that he mounted to the top of a boat with a gorillapod. As the boat guides us through Lake Michigan up the coast of Lakeshore Drive, viewers can spot multiple landmarks including the famous Navy Pier.

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Seven Continents in Six Years:  A Timelapse Journey

Seven Continents in Six Years: A Timelapse Journey

Dedication is an understatement when it comes to the visually stunning timelapse, Terra Sacra. The video which took cinematographer, Sean White, to all seven continents over a span of six years, documents some of the world’s finest treasures in just six minutes. The exact number of frames used to create this timelapse is unknown, however, it’s safe to assume it’s well into the the 10’s of thousands. As you can imagine, piecing together that many images is no easy task.

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