It is often said that the work of a photographer is a reflection of his state of mind and soul. This time Bruce Wayne (no, not Batman) proves the theory right:
Before Wayne shot Into Eternity he witnessed a man taking his own life while Wayne was taking some long exposure shots of the Ben Franklin Bridge. It was mostly the reactions of the people around him during the event that inspired him to create this magnificent piece of work. He was disturbed by the cold-blooded people who joked around on the man who just gave up his life’s account.
“It was pretty disturbing to say the least, but what I found to be appalling was the number of jokes that people made about this person that just committed suicide. I mean come on, really? If this was a loved one or a friend, would that spark the same reaction from these people? I tend to think not.”
Additionally, this was the picture taken while the person took their own life. It was an eight minute exposure and as a result of that there is no register on it of the event.
The timelapse is an artistic recreation on what would the city look like in the head of a man that is about to take his own life. Dark, moody, empty. He wanted to show the pressure that it would create when the tall buildings block the way to the clear sky and everything being so crowded.
In my personal opinion, it couldn’t have been done better.
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Amazing timelapse ,
i love fine art architecture photography and (en)Visionography so for me this is the ultimate timelapse!!!