Determining an Hourly Rate for Your Photography Services

When turning our hobby of taking photos into a profession, one of the first hurdles we come across is pricing. How much should you really be charging for your photography? The answer to this question is not simple though. There are a lot of variables that you need to consider while trying to answer this question. To help you out in this aspect, today we have photographer Daniel Inskeep from Mango Street who shares some useful ideas on how you can set your price for photography:

The basic factors that influence pricing is demand and supply. So, if you are proficient in a genre that has a good demand but low supply of photographers, then you can command a good pricing for your services. However, if there’re already a good number of professionals in the same field as you, then it can be tough.

If you’re totally unknown about how much you should be charging, having a look at how others are doing it can be a good place to start. In the video, Inskeep also talks about some of the ways you can get a feel of other photographers’ rates.

It is also necessary to understand that based on what genre you work in, pricing models can vary. It could be hour-based, project-based, or even have a flat day rate.

And once you’ve found the pricing model and rates that feel just right, remember that you’ll be increasing your prices. That’s because you’ll be gaining experience, improving your craftsmanship, and hopefully more in demand for your services. And you can know if the prices you increased are too high if there’s a drastic drop in bookings.

Towards the end of the video, Inskeep also shares some insights on negotiating, upselling, and managing expenses. If you’re looking to go professional with photography but have no idea on how much to charge, we highly recommend that you watch the complete video. It’ll sure help you price yourself better.

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