Every year in the week leading up to Labor Day, an extraordinary event takes place in Nevada’s Black Rock Desert—Burning Man. For many of the thousands of participants, this week is one of the most magical, transformational, and life-changing events ever to be experienced. To help folks get a taste of the Burning Man 2013, Roy Two Thousand has created this awesome timelapse that gives us just a taste of the magic that happens at Black Rock City (also known as “The Playa”). If you’ve never been there before, or couldn’t make it this year, or simply want to basking memories of last year’s amazingness, this video’s for you:
In addition to ritually burning a wooden effigy (after which the event is named), the burning of a Temple has become a main activity at the event.
Inside the Temple of Whollyness
Art is one of the main focuses at Burning Man, with a special team dedicated to moving artwork into the Playa, and providing foundations and lighting for the pieces. Various groups and individuals plan year-round for their next art piece.
An Art Piece at Burning Man
The End of Burning Man
According to the event’s website, Burning Man participants “dedicate themselves to the spirit of community, art, self-expression, self-reliance, [and a gift economy].” One week later they depart, leaving no trace.
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