Fireworks Photography Settings

Final day: only hours left for the Fireworks Photography eBook at 55% Off

Taking photos of fireworks can be tricky, but with the right camera settings, you can capture some beautiful images. Here are some starting settings you can use and adjust as per your needs:

fireworks settings

Photo captured by Kevin Davison

Mode: Manual (M).

Aperture (f-stop): Depending on your lens, an aperture of around f/8 to f/16 should work well. Fireworks are bright, so you don’t need a very wide aperture. If you find that your shots are too dark, you can adjust this to a lower number. However, remember that wider apertures (lower numbers) also result in a shallower depth of field.

Shutter Speed: Because fireworks move and you want to capture the trail of light, you’ll need a slow shutter speed. Start with a shutter speed of about 1 second and then experiment with longer ones (up to 30 seconds), depending on the effect you’re looking for. You can even use the “Bulb” mode if your camera has this, which allows you to keep the shutter open as long as you hold down the button.

ISO: Start with a low ISO, like 100 or 200. You can increase it if your photos are too dark, but keep in mind that higher ISOs can result in more noise in your photos.

Focus: Auto-focus might struggle in the dark, so it’s usually better to switch your lens to manual focus. If you can, set the focus at infinity.

White Balance: Try starting with Auto White Balance (AWB). You can adjust this later if the colors don’t look right.

Image Format: If possible, shoot in RAW. This will give you more flexibility when you edit the photos later.

Stability: Because you’re using slow shutter speeds, any movement of the camera will result in blur. Use a tripod to keep the camera stable, and consider using a remote shutter release or the camera’s self-timer function to avoid shaking the camera when you press the button.

Remember that these are only starting points. Firework displays can vary in their brightness and color, and you might also want to capture other elements, like the crowd or the landscape. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different settings to get the photo you want!

For Further Training on Fireworks Photography:

With New Year’s Eve celebrations quickly approaching, we have been receiving requests for more training on how to photograph fireworks. Fireworks photography is indeed one of the most daunting types of photography. This in-depth tutorial eBook explains the process from start to finish, everything from gear and camera settings to composition and post-processing to achieve great results with fireworks of any kind. Currently 55% off until midnight tonight to help photographers prepare for the New Year’s!

fireworks photography

The How to Photograph Fireworks eBook

A common result of photographers new to fireworks photography is capturing nothing but bright white spots instead of colorful bursts. But with the guidance of this eBook in hand, you should be fully prepared to photograph brilliant fireworks displays.

Only hours left: How to Photograph Fireworks Guide at 55% Off

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