Great Light, Easy Light
Sometimes natural light isn’t enough and weather is unpredictable, that’s where strobe lighting techniques can help. Released in the last few days, Great Light, Easy Light is all about how to use strobe lights in subtle ways that imitates natural lighting. And I must say the results achieved by the author are very compelling.
“I love the look of natural light. The summers where I live the sun is up at 5:30 AM, and goes down at 10:00 PM, so for that brief season, I shoot outside a lot. When winter comes, the days get short, dark and rainy for the next eight months.
I have spent many winters in frustration trying to get the kind of glorious look inside that I could so effortlessly find on a beautiful summer day. Living and working in a temperate rainforest (Vancouver, Canada) has forced me to figure out how to create fabulous natural looking light anytime, anywhere, with strobes.”
Topics Covered (32 Pages):
- Introduction
- The “look” of natural light
- Mixing flash and ambient to achieve a natural look
- CASE STUDY 1 – One light setup with Chimera softbox
- CASE STUDY 2 – Natural light shot in doorway
- One-light setups
- CASE STUDY 3 – Florescent tubes, softboxes, and foam core v-flats
- CASE STUDY 4 – Two-light setup, feathering the light
- Two-light setups
- CASE STUDY 5 – Subtle fill light
- CASE STUDY 6 – One-light setup, octabank, white V-flat, 52-inch silver light
- Three-Light Setup
- CASE STUDY 7 – Deepen shadows, add drama
- CASE STUDY 8 – One-light setup with further variations
- Bounce-The-Light-Off-Whatever-I-Can Setups
- CASE STUDY 9 – odd mix of hard and soft; fluorescent & strobe
- CASE STUDY 10 – Movement with diva light
- Conclusion
Sample Page from Great Light, Easy Light
“When I started shooting professionally I had to buckle down and develop systems for achieving consistent results. The problem with systems, at least for me, is that you can get lost in them. They can take over and suck all the creativity from your life. The problem arises when you become comfortable within those boundaries, especially if you have success within them and you stop trying; you forget about the wonder. Progress always passes you by if you don’t keep pace. -Kevin Clark”
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