How Printing Can Improve Your Photography Skills

Are your photographs gathering dust on your hard drive, never to be seen again? Well, say goodbye to digital purgatory and hello to the world of printing! In this video, Todd Korol will take you on a journey to discover the magic of putting your images on paper. From understanding how your photographs truly look, to gifting them to friends and loved ones, you’ll be interested to learn the benefits of printing your photographs:

In the video Korol suggests the following ways in which printing photographs can improve one’s photography:

  1. Prints allow you to see your images in a different light, by viewing them on a computer screen and in print form, you can understand how the image truly looks, and whether it works or not.
  2. Printing photographs can help you think more deliberately about the images you take, and how they can be framed and displayed in a more meaningful way.
  3. It serves as a safeguard against losing images, hard drives can fail and images can be lost forever, by printing them it ensures the memories are not lost forever.
  4. Printing photographs can help build meaningful relationships, by gifting prints to friends or subjects.
  5. Prints can serve as a meaningful piece of artwork that can be looked at and revisited, also can be a reminder of a memory and a story behind it, they can bring back memories and bring life to your photographs.
  6. It helps to think about the light and the tonal balance of the images in a more thoughtful way when you see a final print.

printing photography

In conclusion, Korol is advocating for the importance of printing photographs and how it can help photographers understand their images better, safeguard memories and be an act of gift giving and art appreciation.

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