All of us are photographers, whether we use our mobile cameras, a compact digital camera, or a DSLR. But many of us have toyed with the idea of taking on photography as a career. These six steps will show you how anyone—with dedication and work—can build a career in this lucrative area.
“behind the camera” captured by Admarie Morales
Step 1: Focus
The first step in learning how to become a photographer is to decide whether you’re willing to do what is required. It will take dedication, a lot of work, focus, some investment, and loads of practice. You will need to make sacrifices. Time and money will be needed. You will need to properly learn the art of photography. You will be at a certain point now—to really adopt photography as your profession, you must elevate your skills to a whole new level and this will take practice.
You will also need to consider what type of market within photography you intend to pursue. Wedding photography is very lucrative. Fashion photography would take a real effort to break into. Boudoir photography is a growing area. And even family photography can put bread on the table.
Step 2: Training
Thanks to this wonderful resource called the Internet, there is a load of training available for anyone wondering how to become a photographer—some free, some paid.
I can recommend several sites for to you to follow, including my own, and you’re sure to find your own favorites. Make sure you like them on Facebook or subscribe to their feeds so that you stay on top of all of the information they provide you.
Step 3: Equipment
So, if you really want to learn how to become a photographer you’re going to need a decent camera.
Head down to your local Mega store and bam! Every camera ever created and known to man (at just about every price level) assaults you. If you’re lucky enough to have someone from the store offer to help you, they probably look like they haven’t even graduated junior high, and it’s doubtful they have much photographic experience.
Take a deep breath. Research the different types of cameras and the different levels of associated cost. In the end, you should be a more informed consumer and you can impress the sales clerks with your fundamental knowledge.
Step 4: Practice
So.. we are clearly spelling out to you how to become a photographer. Now the work begins.
Much like my friend the drummer here.. to make a career out of anything relating to an art takes practice! The more practice. The more practice!
Taking great photos requires a complete focus on your composition. Be it for a wedding, a fashion shoot, a glamour shot or whatever, you need to compose your shots, pose your subject, and ensure a creative outcome.
Step 5: Marketing & Promotion
You have a clear plan about what sort of photographer you plan to become. You have just the right gear, you have invested in training to ensure you know exactly what you’re doing, you’ve spent thousands of hours in practice and exposed yourself to professional photographers as much as possible.
What next? In order to put your shingle up and begin making a living as a photographer, you need to market yourself and promote your services.
Step 6: Perseverance
This is a very competitive field and you will need to really stick at it if you want to succeed.
You can learn how to become a photographer; just follow the six steps above!
About the Author:
David Forder writes for, a site with details on becoming a photographer.
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Thank you for this amazing article. It’s true, starting out as a photographer is one of the most challenging tasks. But with passion and perseverance it is definitely possible.
Keep up the good work.
hey, really informative article. keep up the good work.
This six steps that look easy at first, are not easy at all. You’re right, there are plenty of related articles all over the web. But the point is in your great passion about photography. If you are really passionate about it, you have a chance to achieve success in this lucrative area. And than all the six steps will not so hard for you, you will be motivated with your passion.
I get motivated by different stories from real life, like this story on how to become a photographer This is truly awesome, feel free to read it! :)