This tutorial is to help you learn how to create a custom border for any digital photo using masks. I also use this technique sometimes when I want to crop a lot of the photo away on certain sides. Once you have your picture open in photoshop:
1. Add a Reveal All Layer Mask to your background layer. (Layer>Add Layer Mask>Reveal All). Your Layer menu should then look something like the image on the left. (If your background layer has a little lock sign on it you will have to make a duplicate layer before you can add the layer mask.)
2. Then select one of the more interesting paintbrushes like shown on the left.
3. And make sure its a good size to work with the border.
4. Then with the color black selected paint where you want to erase out the new border.
You may have to paint over places multiple times in order to erase everything, but with practice you can create any kind of border you like.
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