In times long past, a flash was a pretty simple device to use. It’s options were limited, you slid the flash onto your hotshoe and took the photograph. Those days are long gone. With new technology, our flashes are getting smarter. Most speedlights have multiple settings, LCD screens with lengthy menus, and are often communicating with other speedlights as well. Syl Arena has teamed up once again with B&H Photography delivering us with an in-depth look into operating speedlights. Even at nearly two hours long, the seminar is jam packed with information on how to get the most out Canon’s line of speedlights. If you have some free time grab a notepad to take notes and watch the seminar here:
No subject was left uncovered in the video, as Arena led us from Canon speedlight essentials all the way through the most advanced features. The section on setting up a master and slaves is especially informative. Arena emphasises that just because the master is marked disabled, it does not mean that it will stop performing it’s duties as a master. What disabled actually means is that, after communicating with and triggering the slave lights, the masters flash will not fire. Whereas when the master is marked enabled, it will fire itself after triggering the slaves. You are not disabling or enabling the setup, you are determining whether or not the masters flash will emit light.
Arena also explains how control your speedlights from your Canon digital bodies LCD screen. Because the functionality of the speedlights will vary between model numbers and camera body types, Arena goes as far as to explain the benefits and downfalls between the many combinations of Canon equipment.
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