Final day: only hours left for the Long Exposure Photo Guide at 71% Off
Night owls with a taste for photography utilize long exposures out of necessity. As a result, they’re often able to create captivating details through motion blur in low lighting situations. But can the same dreamy motion blur be captured in the middle of a bright, sunny day?
During the daytime, photographers will more often than not keep their exposures short and sweet. The reason? Slower shutter speeds often result in overexposure issues. Luckily, there’s one little tool that can make it all possible called a Neutral Density Filter (or ND filter for short).
Designed to fit right over top of the camera’s lens, ND filters block light rays from reaching the camera’s sensor. While this may seem a bit counterintuitive, I think that you’ll agree that the dramatic effects a slow shutter speed can have on clouds and water make the ND filter a must have accessory for any aspiring photographer.
Photo captured by trent roche; ISO 100, f/5.6, 75 second shutter
In this photograph from Grand Tetons National Park, you can almost feel the mist blowing in the air as water quickly rushes down the series of rocks. Under normal circumstances, this sort of action would be impossible to capture in a single photograph. But, with an ND filter in hand, a 75 second shutter speed in the mid-afternoon suddenly doesn’t seem so ludicrous.
Want to learn more about the capabilities of the ND filter?
For Further Training:
Photographer Dieter Appelt said, “A snapshot steals life that it cannot return. A long exposure creates a form that never existed.” If you’ve ever been mystified by other photographers’ tack sharp extended exposures and mind-blowing daytime long shutter speeds, then you may want to take a look at this popular in-depth eBook before the sale ends tonight, 71% off.
This guide was designed to walk you through every step of long exposure photography with a complete description and a visual reference. Each lesson is broken down into easy-to-follow steps, recommended resources, and self-check quizzes to make sure you understand each and every technique.
Only hours left: The Long Exposure Photography Guide at 71% Off
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